The Oblate Family Morning Prayer: Saturday 1st February 2025 With Fr Martin Moran OMI

Good morning, dear friends. You are very welcome to our Oblate Family Morning Prayer. We join Fr Martin Moran in Inchicore for this morning’s time of prayer on Saturday February 1st, Feast day of Saint Brigid of Ireland. Tomorrow the Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes begins in Inchicore, you are welcome to join – see for full schedule.
Gospel | Luke 6:32-38
‘Be compassionate just as your Father is compassionate.’
Fr Martin reflects: “the gospel sums up the life of Saint Bridget, a woman who lived her faith in a very devout way. She is known throughout Ireland, and throughout the world as being a patroness of many things, a patroness of poetry, of learning, of healing and protection. And on this day of the celebration of her great feast day, we ask for whatever gift we need through her intercession.”
Thank you for joining us today.
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