Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate


Lourdes Pilgrimage

Date(s) - 17/09/2017 - 22/09/2017
12:00 am

Lourdes Shrine

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This year’s pilgrimage will take place from the 17th-22nd September. We will participate in a variety of services during our time in Lourdes, including:

  • Mass at the Grotto/Grotto tour
  • Torchlight Procession
  • Blessed Sacrament Procession
  • Stations of the Cross
  • Visit to the baths
  • Mass of Anointing of the Sick
  • Sacrament of Reconciliation

There will so  plenty of opportunity for relaxing, renewing old friendships and shopping. There will also be plenty of time to make your own pilgrimage- whether you want to light a candle, spend some quiet time in prayer at the Grotto, or walk in the footsteps of the Bernadette…

From Ireland: Prices starting from €629

3 Star Hotels:  St. Georges, St. Louis de France – €629;  Astoria – €675 

4 Star Hotels:  Solitude, Panorama, Padoue, Elisio – €719 

Our pilgrimage package includes the following:

  • Direct flights from Dublin to Lourdes
  • Airport transfers
  • 5 nights full board accommodation in a range of hotels
  • Insurance
  • €10 discount for online booking

For Further Information or to book in Ireland, Please Contact: 
Fr. Vincent Mulligan OMI or Barbara Hogan, Mission Office, House of Retreat, Tyrconnell Rd, Inchicore, Dublin 8
Tel: 01 454 2888 Email: mamioblate@eircom.net


From Britain: Packages available from London, Edinburgh and Manchester

£554  from London &  £659 from Manchester and Edinburgh

Pilgrims travelling from Britain can choose to fly from London (£554), or from Manchester (£659). A complimentary coach service will be provided for pilgrims wishing to travel from Edinburgh via Manchester. All packages include the following:

  • Direct flights London- Toulouse and airport transfer Toulouse-Lourdes
  • Direct flights Manchester- Lourdes and hotel transfer
  • 5 nights full board accommodation in the 4 star Panorama hotel
  • £10 discount for online booking

For further information or to make a booking please contact:

London: Noreen Keenan, Parish Office, Sacred Heart Church, Quex Road, London, NW6 4PS
Tel:  020 7624 1701 Email: noreen@omiquex.org.uk

Manchester: Kirk Jacob, Denis Hurley House, 14 Quex Road, London, NW6 4PL
Tel:  020 7624 7296  Email: kirk.oblate.partners@googlemail.com

Edinburgh: Fr. Martin Moran OMI or Sally Fraser, St Mary’s Star of the Sea, 106 Constitution Street, Edinburgh EH6 6AW
Tel 0131 554 2482,  Email:  info@stmarysstarofthesea.org