Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate


The Oblate Family Morning Prayer Monday 21st October 2024

Morning Prayer with the Oblate Family: Monday 21st October 2024

Good morning friends. We invite you to join Kay Curran in her Dublin home for our prayer today, Monday 21st October, of the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Gospel | Luke 12:35-38 © Be dressed for action and have your lamps lit Kay reflects: ‘”Master, Tell my brother to give me a share of our...

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The Oblate Family Morning Prayer: Sunday 20th October 2024

Good morning friends. We invite you to join Mary O’Brien in Dublin for our morning prayer today, Sunday 20th October, on the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Gospel Mark 10:35-45 The Son of Man came to give his life as a ransom for many Mary reflects: ” I think this gospel text is about understanding that...

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Fr Vincent Mulligan OMI

Death Notice of Fr Vincent Mulligan OMI

We in the Oblate Community regret to announce the death of Fr. Vincent Mulligan O.M.I. on Friday October 18th, 2024. Fr Vincent died peacefully in Saint James’ Hospital, Dublin.  Please keep Fr Vincent’s family and the Oblate Community in Inchicore in your thoughts and prayers. Deeply regretted by his sisters-in-law, Ann and Helena, nephews and...

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The Oblate Family Morning Prayer: Saturday 19th October 2024

Good morning friends. We invite you to join Mary O’Brien in Dublin for our prayer today, Saturday 19th October, of the 28th Week in Ordinary Time, the feast of Saint Paul of The Cross. Gospel | Mark 6:7-13 Jesus summoned the Twelve and began to send them out two by two. Mary reflects: “I’ve been...

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The Oblate Family Morning Prayer Friday 18th October 2024

The Oblate Family Morning Prayer: Friday 18th October 2024

Good morning friends. We invite you to join Frankie MacDonald in Scotland for our prayer today, Friday 18th October, of the 28th Week in Ordinary Time, the feast of Saint Luke. Gospel | Luke 10:1-9 © Your peace will rest on that man Frankie reflects: “Today’s gospel shows that some conditions experienced by the early...

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The Oblate Family Morning Prayer Thursday 17th October 2024

The Oblate Family Morning Prayer: Thursday 17th October 2024

Good morning friends. We invite you to join Frankie MacDonald in Scotland for our prayer today, Thursday 17th October, of the 28th Week in Ordinary Time.   Gospel | Luke 11:47-54 © You have not gone in yourselves and have prevented others who wanted to Frankie reflects: “Jesus has spoken the truth and has been...

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The Oblate Family Morning Prayer: Wednesday 16th October 2024

Good morning! Thank you for joining us for our Oblate Family Morning Prayer. Please join Patsy Thomas in Beaumaris. Today is Wednesday, 16th October, of the 28th Week in Ordinary Time. Gospel Luke 11:42-46 You overlook justice and the love of God Patsy reflects: “In today’s gospel, Jesus contrasts how his critics have observed the...

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The Oblate Family Morning Prayer: Tuesday 15th October 2024

Good morning! Thank you for joining us for our Oblate Family Morning Prayer. Please join Patsy Thomas in Beaumaris. Today is Tuesday, 15th October, of the 28th Week in Ordinary Time. Gospel Luke 11:37-41 Give thanks for what you have and it will all be clean Patsy reflects: “We know from experience how people have...

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The Oblate Family Morning Prayer: Monday 14th October 2024

Good morning! Thank you for joining us for our Oblate Family Morning Prayer. Please join Pat Hughes in Birkenhead. Today is Monday, 14th October, of the 28th Week in Ordinary Time. Gospel Luke 11:29-32 As Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites, so will the Son of Man be a sign Pat reflects: “Compassion is...

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The Oblate Family Morning Prayer: Sunday 13th October 2024

Good morning! Thank you for joining us for our Oblate Family Morning Prayer. Please join Pat Hughes in Birkenhead. Today is Sunday, 13th October, the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time.   Gospel Mark 10:17-30 Give everything you own to the poor, and follow me Pat reflects: “When I was reflecting on this. Scripture reading, I...

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