Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate

Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer for March 29th

Good morning everyone, and welcome to morning prayer with Amor and Surley Garcia, from Glasgow. Today’s Gospel reading sparked questions in the minds of Amor and Surley. Am I a true follower of Christ? Do I want to accept Jesus in my life and be free, or be a slave of sin? Jesus offers his...

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Morning Prayer for March 28th

Good morning everyone, and welcome to morning prayer with the Aguirre family, from the El Shaddai Community. Today’s gospel is very timely this Lenten season, as it talks about Jesus being the bridge that connects us with God. Jesus is the name we must call on, as he is our Saviour. This reminds us that...

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Morning Prayer for March 27th

Good morning everyone, and welcome to morning prayer with Jasmine, from London. Reflecting on today’s reading, Jasmine says that it’s easy for us to judge, to persecute, or condemn other people. We can also be blinded from our own wrongdoings. On the other hand, Jesus acts in a different way, showing how merciful our Lord...

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Morning Prayer for March 26th

Good morning everyone, and welcome to morning prayer with Fr Liam Griffin OMI. As we see from today’s Gospel reading, Jesus tells his disciples in advance that Lazarus’ illness will not end in death, but in God’s glory. Although the account emphasizes Jesus’ love for Lazarus, we are told He waits two days until Lazarus...

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Morning Prayer for the Annunciation of the Lord

Good morning everyone, and welcome to morning prayer with Fr Liam. Today, we celebrate the feast of the Annunciation of our Lord – when Mary responded to the angel’s message with the words, “Let what you have said be done to me.” This was when God became human. Fr Liam explores the topic of the...

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Morning Prayer for March 24th

Good morning everyone, and welcome to morning prayer with Kirk and Jack. Upon reflecting on today’s gospel reading, Kirk senses that there was a lot of turmoil, inner conflict and intense feelings. Saint John, who was writing the Gospel text 90 years after Christ, wrote whilst there was huge tension between the Jewish community and...

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Morning Prayer for March 23rd

Good morning everyone, and welcome to morning prayer with Kirk, from London. Like the people of Israel in the desert, who were liberated and shown the promised land and yet rejected the love and grace of God by worshiping false gods, we sometimes abandon the love of God and build up false gods of selfishness,...

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Morning Prayer for March 22nd

Good morning everyone, and welcome to morning prayer with Aira, Kristal and Danielle, from Youth of El Shaddai, London. Danielle says that today’s reading is particularly beautiful coming after Mothering Sunday, where, for a whole day, we appreciated and thought about the love our mothers have for us. The reading is a clear message that...

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Morning Prayer with March 21st

Good morning everyone, and welcome to morning prayer with Chaher, from De Mazenod House, London. Today, the Scripture gives us a glimpse on a vital aspect of our lives, and that is ‘healing’. Just like the sick man in the Gospel reading today, we are also in need of healing, and this can happen at...

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Morning Prayer for March 20th

Good morning everyone, and welcome to morning prayer with Iola and Br Michael Moore, from Colwyn Bay, Wales. Today, we celebrate the feast of St. Joseph. When we hear the word ‘annunciation’, we automatically think of God calling Mary, and her response. But the gospel for the feast of St. Joseph is exactly the same....

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