Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate

Oblate News

The Oblate Family Morning Prayer: Friday 26th July 2024

Today, we join Mabel, Allan, Louis and Patrick from St Mary Star of the Sea Church in Leith for our Oblate Family Morning Prayer on Friday, 26th July, during week 16 in Ordinary Time.  Gospel Matthew 13:16-17 Prophets and holy men longed to hear what you hear Allan reflects: “Today’s feast reminds us that Mary’s...

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Gospel Reflection for Sunday July 28th 2024- 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Gospel Reflection for Sunday July 28th 2024, 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time | John 6:1-15 Without a doubt the miracle of the ‘Feeding of the Five Thousand’ is one of the most iconic moments in the Gospels. All four Gospels tell the story. In fact, apart from the Resurrection it is the only miracle story...

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The Oblate Family Morning Prayer: Thursday 25th July 2024

Today, we join Kathy from St Mary Star of the Sea Church in Leith for our Oblate Family Morning Prayer on Thursday, 25th July, during week 16 in Ordinary Time.  Gospel Matthew 20:20-28 ‘Can you drink the cup that I am going to drink?’ Kathy reflects: “I wonder if James and John were complicit in their mother’s...

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The Oblate Family Morning Prayer: Wednesday 24th July 2024

Today, we join Tina from St Mary Star of the Sea Church in Leith for our Oblate Family Morning Prayer on Wednesday, 24th July, during week 16 in Ordinary Time. Gospel Matthew 13:1-9 A sower went out to sow Tina reflects: “So for reading today’s gospel about sower and the different types of seeds, I thought as...

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Gospel Reflection for Sunday July 21st 2024- 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Gospel Reflection for Sunday July 21tst2024, 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time | Mark 6:30-34 Ask a teenager when he or she gets home from their first day in High School, “Well, how did your first day go?” and most parents would count themselves lucky to get a grunted “OK”. However, ask the same question to...

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From Past to Present: The Influence of the Canada-US Oblate Provinces

The Following article has been taken from OMI World. Over the past two weeks, the Central Government has visited many ministries and communities across the four provinces in the Canada-United States Region.   This region used to be made up of nineteen provinces. Despite changes and a drop in numbers, thinking this area doesn’t have much...

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The Oblate Family Morning Prayer Thursday 11th July 2024 Gary Kiernan

The Oblate Family Morning Prayer: Thursday 11th July 2024

Good morning, we invite you to join Gary Kiernan in Milltown Malbay, County Clare, for our time of prayer today on Thursday July 11th 2024. Gospel | Matthew 10:7-15 © “Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give.” Gary reflects on today’s gospel reading: “When I was reading the gospel, something struck...

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Building Bonds: Insights from the Recent Major Superiors’ Gathering

Article is taken from, Cor Unum – OMI World The recently concluded Orientation Session for Major Superiors, held from June 7 to 22, 2024, offered an invaluable opportunity to meet the servant leaders of various Oblate units in person. This session allowed me to connect faces to the names I had previously known only through...

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New Provincial Council Installed Oblate Assembly 2024

New Provincial and Provincial Council installed during the 2024 Assembly

The call of Jesus Christ, heard within the Church through people’s need for salvation, draws us together as Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. Christ thus invites us to follow him and to share in his mission through word and work. (C1) During the annual Oblate Assembly 2024, the rite of Installation took place during the...

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Sr Hilary Fitzgerald Holy Family of Bordeaux

Sr Hilary Fitzgerald celebrates 103 years of age

– by Sr Catherine Lavery Sr Hilary recently celebrated her 103rd birthday and 85 years as a Religious Sister of Holy Family of Bordeaux currently living in Rock Ferry, Birkenhead. Sr Hilary is originally from Listowel Co. Kerry. She came to Kilburn, London from Kerry in 1939 during war time.  She trained as a Social...

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