Oblate News

“A crime that cries to heaven”
While the Oblate parish of Santo Niño in Midsayap, on the island of Mindanao, was celebrating the birth of the Prince of Peace, eighteen people, including a police officer, were wounded when a grenade exploded outside of the church. Fr. Jay VIRADOR said that the faithful inside the church did not wait for the rites...

Outreach to the insecure
Brother Daniel DIONNE has been a professed Oblate since 1990. As such, he has served in various ways, both in his native Canada and in the United States. Here, he reflects upon the faces of the poor as he has seen them. So far my journey has taken me across Western Canada, in the most...

TURKMENISTAN: Three Priests in the Turkmenistan Desert
Fr. Andre Madej, OMI Being a minority doesn’t mean you can’t proclaim Christ. In order to do it, what is important is to live the day-to-day life of the local people, the buildings can wait (there aren’t any permissions to build churches here). This is the testimony of Andrzej MADEJ, a Polish Missionary of...

God is with Us
For many of us, I suspect, it gets harder each year to capture the mood of Christmas. About the only thing that still warms are hearts are memories, memories of younger, more naïve, days when the lights and carols, Christmas trees and gifts, still excited us. But we’re adult now and so too, it seems, is...

The Church of Laos Joyfully Celebrates its Martyrs
By Fr. Roland JACQUES, OMI Vice-Postulator, was an eye-witness to a beautiful event in the life of the Church in Laos and in the history of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. In Vientiane, Laos, on Sunday morning, 11 December 2016, the third Sunday of Advent, there was only one Mass celebrated in all...

Message of the 36th Oblate General Chapter
Dear brother Missionary Oblates, Dear brothers and sisters of the Mazenodian family, 1. In this jubilee year of the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Congregation of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, we give thanks to the Lord. We look to the past with gratitude, beginning with St. Eugene de Mazenod and to...

Pope Francis names an Oblate Cardinal
On 9 October 2016, at the end of a Marian celebration for the Jubilee of Mercy, Pope Francis named 17 new Cardinals. Among the four who are beyond the age of 80 is an Oblate of Mary Immaculate, Bishop Sebastian Koto KHOARAI, Bishop-emeritus of Mohale’s Hoeck in Lesotho. In announcing the Consistory for 19 November...

Pope Francis to Oblate Chapter: ‘Embrace the poor with new missionary drive’
Pope Francis told the participants in the General Chapter of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI) to ‘love Jesus with passion and the Church without conditions’. His exhortation came in a private audience in the Vatican’ Clementine Hall on Friday, as the Oblates celebrate the 200th anniversary since their founding. The Chapter re-elected Fr. Louis...

Lourdes Pilgrimage Online
The Missionary Oblates were the first group to organise pilgrimages to Lourdes from Britain and Ireland and have been organising pilgrimages to Lourdes since 1883.Every year pilgrims join us from Ireland, Britain and the Channel Islands. Almost 100 Assisted Pilgrims, who require a special level of care and comfort, accompany the other pilgrims and stay...

Update on the 36th General Chapter
Fr. Louis LOUGEN, the Superior General, officially opened the General Chapter on 14 September 2016 at the Casa LaSalle in Rome. This is a “Jubilee Chapter” in two senses: the Oblates of Mary Immaculate are celebrating the 200th anniversary of their founding; and it is taking place during the extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy for...