Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate

Oblate News

Concert in aid of the Lourdes Invalid Fund

CONCERT In Aid of the Oblate Lourdes Pilgrimage Invalid Fund

Last year when we returned from Lourdes and raising funds became an issue, it was suggested that we have a concert to raise the necessary funds. Lots of discussion took place around who we could ask to volunteer their time and expertise to make the night a success. After the Garda Band graciously agreed to...

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St Eugene de Mazenod

200 Years Through the Eyes of our Crucified Saviour…

At around the age of 25 he experienced a moment of intuition that changed his life. One Good Friday, in the presence of the Cross he became aware that it was Jesus Christ the Saviour who was looking at him in love. Eugene de Mazenod was able to find in this loving look his source...

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