Morning prayer with the Oblate Family: Wednesday Sept 28th
We join Mary Bond in Saint Joseph’s Parish, Colwyn Bay for today’s time of prayer. To become and live as true followers of Jesus, we must be determined to place him at the centre of our lives, to love him and know him as our living Lord and so grow into the people God has...
Funeral Mass of Fr Michael Hughes OMI
Fr. Michael Hughes O.M.I (Cardiff and Inchicore) went to his eternal reward on September 17th, 2022, peacefully at St. James’s Hospital. Predeceased by his parents Lillian and John Hughes and his brother John. Deeply regretted by his brother William, his nieces and nephews Timothy, Clare, Helen, Zoe, Ann and Michael, all the staff of the...
Morning prayer: Tuesday September 27th
We join Frank Bond in Colwyn Bay for today’s morning prayer. Faith and action, prayer and good works. The main characteristics of Christianity. This week, the first readings are all from the Book of Job. You might be familiar with the phrase, “to have the patience of Job”. “The Lord gave and the Lord taketh...
Morning Prayer with the Oblate Family: September 26th
With Liz Markey who is a member of the Oblate Parish of Saint Joseph’s, Colwyn Bay in North Wales. It takes time and reflection to listen to what God’s word means to each one of us personally, and we invite you to listen to Liz’s personal reflection on today’s gospel reading. ‘Anyone who welcomes this...
Morning Prayer with the Oblate Family: Sunday September 25th
Good morning, everyone! Today’s morning prayer is brought to you by Sister Joy, of St. Joseph’s in Colwyn Bay. Today’s reading comes from St Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians. Sr Joy focuses on a few lines – namely, “Rejoice always, pray continually and give thanks in all circumstance.” If we could live by these words,...
Morning Prayer with the Oblate Family: Saturday September 24th
Good morning, everyone! Today’s morning prayer is brought to you by Sister Magret, of St. Joseph’s in Colwyn Bay. Today’s Gospel reading recounts the time when Mary was at the foot of the cross as she watched her son die. Let us pray for all mothers at the foot of the cross, who have children...
Morning Prayer with the Oblate Family: Friday September 23rd
Good morning, everyone! Today’s morning prayer is brought to you by Sister Mary Catti, of St. Joseph’s in Colwyn Bay. Today’s reading is from the Gospel of Matthew. It is also the feast day of Padre Pio – a saint much beloved by many people. Let us pray with his intercession and may we be...
Morning prayer September 22nd: Final Morning in Lourdes
Good morning everyone. Today we prepare to leave Lourdes and return to our homes. Our pilgrimage is over. We will take Lourdes home with us in our hearts and are looking forward to next year. Let us join Martina Cooley from London for this morning’s prayer. She offers a very thought-provoking reflection on today’s reading....
Lourdes 2022 Day 5 – A Final, Beautiful Day
And like that, it was all over! At least, that is what it felt like. The days have gone by so quickly here and this evening, we had our closing ceremony, placed our pilgrimage candle opposite the Grotto, said our goodbyes to our friends – old and new – and began to put our mind...
Lourdes Day 5: Morning Prayer with the Oblate Family
Good morning friends, we invite you to join Rachel and Alex, both members of the Oblate Youth Service, for this morning’s prayer for Day of the pilgrimage to Lourdes. Later this morning we will have the Mass of the Anointing and we remember that Lourdes is a place of healing, and so we reflect on...