Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate


blessed joseph gerard may 29th

Feast Day of Blessed Joseph Gérard – Apostle of Lesotho 

Blessed Joseph Gérard – The Apostle of Lesotho  Today, May 29th, is the last day of our Novena of prayer for an increase of vocations to the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. It is also an important day in the calendar of Oblate feasts; today we recall and remember one of our missionaries; Blessed Joseph...

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prayer may 28th

Morning Prayer with the Oblates, Friday May 28th

In our morning prayer and reflection today, Fr Vimal shares with us a little bit about how he received his own vocation to the priesthood at home in Sri Lanka.   Why the Oblates? Fr Vimal admired the Oblates working in his village and their way of community life, missionary zeal, hard work and taking...

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prayer may 27th

Morning Prayer with the Oblates, Thursday May 27th

We join Fr Dominick in Bluebell for morning prayer. Brothers and sisters, “go on your way”! Each one of us received the same gift from our Lord on the day of our baptism. Today in the gospel, Jesus heals the blind man, who pleaded for help from Jesus. The crowd tried to shut him up....

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prayer may 26th

Morning Prayer: Wednesday May 26th Sixth Day of the Novena for Vocations

We join Fr Johnson in Sacred Heart Church, Kilburn on Wednesday May 26th, for our prayer on the sixth day of our novena for vocations. ‘For the Son of Man himself did not come to be served but to serve’ – when we help someone truly we will feel happy and content. God helps us...

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prayer may 25th

Morning Prayer: May 25th, Fifth Day of the Novena for Vocations

May 25th: This morning’s prayer during our vocations novena is brought to you by Sister Katharina Ramrath OMI, a member of the Oblatas Community in Madrid, Spain. The Oblate sisters were formed in 1997 and currently, the community is made up of 21 sisters from seven different countries (Spain, Germany, Ukraine, Poland, Peru, France and...

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prayer may 24th

Morning Prayer: May 24th, Fourth Day of the Novena for Vocations

This morning, Monday May 24th, we celebrate the memorial of Mary, Mother of the Church, a feast day that Pope Francis inserted into the calendar in 2018, and is celebrated on the Monday following Pentecost Sunday. Today is the fourth day of our novena prayer and is led by a group of young people associated...

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pentecost prayer

Morning Prayer: Pentecost Sunday, Third Day of the Novena for Vocations

Friends, on Pentecost Sunday, Brother Michael Moore leads our time of prayer this morning during our Novena.  Before the crucifixion, Jesus proclaimed the Good News. After the resurrection Jesus himself is the Good News! St Eugene gathered like minded priests and brothers to share in this mission; serving the poor in France, they took as...

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second day of prayer may 22nd

Morning Prayer May 22nd: Second Day of the Novena for Vocations

Prayer for May 22nd In 1939, the first Oblate Missionaries arrived in the Philippines, today we are honoured to be joined by Fr Christopher O’Leary OMI, originally from Inchicore, who has been serving as a Missionary Oblate in the Philippines for 52 years… and counting!!  Enjoy this time of prayer and reflection on the second...

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prayer may 21st

Morning Prayer: May 21st Feast Day of Saint Eugene de Mazenod

We join Fr John McFadden OMI, Oblate director of vocations and regency formation. Today, as we celebrate the feast day founder of our congregation, Saint Eugene de Mazenod, we begin our novena for oblate vocations – nine days of prayer for vocations and reflection on the oblate way of life for the Oblate family around...

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prayer may 20th

Morning Prayer with the Oblates Thursday May 20th

Dear friends, you are welcome to join with Caroline for our morning prayer at 8.30am. Today we remember Venerable Carlo Dominique Albini  OMI who died on this day in 1839. He was also known as the “Apostle of Corsica”. In today’s gospel we hear Jesus’ prayer – “That they may be one.” (John 17:21) Fr...

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