Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate


morning prayer january 4th

Morning Prayer Monday January 4th

As we journey through the season of Christmas, we join Fr John McFadden OMI, for our morning prayer from the Benedictine Monastery in Largs, Scotland. We reflect today on a very significant moment in the life of Jesus that we hear about in today’s gospel, leaving his home of Nazareth and the beginning of his...

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sunday january 3rd

Morning Prayer Sunday January 3rd

Join Mary in Sacred Heart, Quex Road for a short morning prayer this Sunday, the second Sunday of Christmas. Mary takes us through the account of the Magi, the Three Wise Kings in the Gospel and presents a short reflection on this theme. We hope you enjoy praying with us this morning.

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january 2nd prayer

Morning Prayer with the Oblates January 2nd 2020

Join Fr Michael on the second day of the new year for our short morning prayer from Darndale in Dublin.

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new year's day prayer

Morning Prayer for New Year’s Day

Join Fr Michael in the Oblate Parish of Darndale-Belcamp as we begin this new year of 2021 together. As well as being New Year’s Day, today is also the Solemnity of Mary Mother of God – and it is fitting to begin our new year with a suggestion of prayer and for the year, to...

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new years eve prayer

Morning Prayer: Thursday December 31st

Join Pauline in Anglesey for our morning prayer together on the last day of what has been one of the most difficult for many of us in recent memory. During this New Year’s Eve, many of us are facing back into lockdown in our own countries. Even though this might not be the start to...

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Morning Prayer: Wednesday December 30th

Join Pauline in Anglesey for our morning prayer today. We are reminded today that it can be in the deepest darkness is the place where God comes to us. Can you recognise God’s presence even in the dark times? We can use these experiences to bring the light of the Christ child to those around...

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morning prayer december 29th

Morning Prayer Tuesday December 29th

Good morning everyone – thanks for joining us today. Oliver Kenny in DeMazenod House, London, leads us in our morning reflection today December 29th. We are still in the season of Christmas and although many of us cannot meet together to celebrate in person, we take this opportunity to join together online for our morning...

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december 28th holy innocents

Morning Prayer: Monday December 28th

Join Fr Ray and Carl in DeMazenod House, Towerhill, London for our prayer this morning on the Feast Day of the Holy Innocents. After the wise men had left, the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, ‘Get up, take the child and his mother with you, and escape into...

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morning prayer december 27th

Morning Prayer: Sunday December 27th, Feast of the Holy Family

Join Fr Lorcan again this morning for our time of prayer and reflection together. Today is the Feast Day of the Holy Family which helps us focus on the reality of family life in the christian context. The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph did not have it easy and knew many of our...

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st stephens day prayer

Morning Prayer: December 26th, Feast of St Stephen

On the Feast of the first martyr of the christian church, Saint Stephen, we invite you to join Fr Lorcan for our morning reflection as we continue our journey through the Christmas season. “But when they hand you over, do not worry about how to speak or what to say; what you are to say...

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