Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate


first sunday of advent

Morning Prayer: First Sunday of Advent

Stay awake and be alert! the more we think about it the more we realise we need to be reminded to be alert. Christ calls us to engage in our world, to bring about the gospel in our every day lives. Let us use this time of Advent to respond to Christ’s call to be...

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november 28th

Morning Prayer November 28th

Good morning friends. Join Kirk today for our morning prayer which is based on Psalm 95 from today’s mass readings. We focus on God’s joy and gratitude.  “Come, ring out our joy to the Lord; hail the rock who saves us. Let us come before him, giving thanks, with songs let us hail the Lord.”...

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morning prayer november 27th

Morning Prayer Friday November 27th

Join with Kirk in London, for our Morning Prayer which focuses on understanding and living the “Kingdom of God” reality. “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” – Luke 21:33 Thank you for joining us in prayer today.

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Advent Retreat Evenings

Register: Advent Evening Retreats

Brothers and Sisters All! (Fratelli Tutti) EVERY THURSDAY & FRIDAY DURING ADVENT FROM 7PM-8PM ON ZOOM These retreat evenings are offered to accompany each of us on our pilgrim way. Advent is a beautiful season that begins by firstly calling us gently to an awareness that God-with-us, and then gradually increases it’s intensity as we...

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november 26th

Morning Prayer Thursday November 26th

Please join Jerry once more for morning prayer. During this morning’s reflection, we are reminded that life for many of us is search to know God. Pray with us the following beautiful prayer of St. Richard of Chichester: O merciful Lord, Friend and Brother May I know thee more clearly, Love thee more dearly Follow...

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christmas musical gathering

You’re invited: Christmas Musical Gathering

Christmas Musical Gathering with the Oblate family In these unprecedented Covid-19 times, we find ourselves experiencing long moments of social isolation, and finding it more and more challenging each day especially with the festive season of Christmas drawing near. Here is a unique opportunity to come together socially even if it means electronically via Zoom...

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laudato si webinar

Catch up: Oblate Webinars on Laudato Si’

In the month of October, during the Laudato Si’ special anniversary year, The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate offered webinars highlighting the views and the initiatives of Oblates around the world in this effort to care for the earth and to create a mindset of compassion and real conversion to God. Webinar 1: With Fr...

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morning prayer november 25th

Morning Prayer November 25th

Friends, please join with Jerry for our short reflection this morning. This morning we would like to invite you to sit down – relax and reflectively become aware of this present moment. During the next few minutes, we will endeavour to listen to our God – who is with us and present in us at...

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november 24th

Morning Prayer Tuesday November 24th

We join Christine on Anglesey for our morning prayer.   “And when you hear of wars and revolutions, do not be terrified, for this is something that must happen first, but the end will not come at once.”‘ – Luke 21:5-11 This message from Jesus can make us wonder. Maybe this difficult time has given us an...

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november 23rd

Morning Prayer Monday November 23rd

The widow’s mite: sharing of everything she had was a great example to all of us. Following Jesus means making sacrifices, just as Jesus gave the ultimate sacrifice on the cross. Please join Christine in Holyhead for our prayer this morning. As Jesus looked up, he saw rich people putting their offerings into the treasury;...

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