Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate


Lourdes Pilgrimage Update and New Dates for 2019

For as long as most of us can remember the 17th of September finds us making our way to Lourdes as part of the annual Oblate pilgrimage. This year brings with it new pilgrimage dates, 14th – 19th September. This change was brought about by the increasing difficulty in sourcing airlines that are prepared to...

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Death toll in Jolo church bombings now 27 with 77 injured

Death toll in Jolo church bombings now 27 with 77 injured JOLO, Sulu – Philippines The death toll in the Jolo Cathedral bombings has reached 27 dead and 77 have been injured. Of the fatalities, seven were soldiers and 20 civilians who were inside the Church and those outside and across the street during the secondary...

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Tribute to the Late Fr Paddy Dwyer OMI

The funeral mass and burial of Fr Paddy Dwyer took place on the 28th of December 2018 in the House of Retreat, Inchicore, Dublin.  Many fellow Oblates, family members, House Staff, nursing and Caring Staff and local parishioners filled the Oratory. I was privileged to be among them. It was also very appropriate that two...

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Memories of Fr Danny

Memories of Fr Danny By the Students and Staff of English Martyrs School, Towerhill 01/21/2019 Over a period of 10 years, Fr. Danny (officially known as Fr. Francis Daniel) has served at Tower Hill, London, both the parish of English Martyrs and also the local primary school which shares its name with the parish. He...

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Synod of Bishops on Youth

  The Synod of Bishops released an English translation of the final document of the 2018 session on young people, faith, and vocational discernment. The document encourages young people to seek an authentic encounter with God, instead of adopting a morally relativistic outlook on life. The document highlights the spiritual and religious experiences of young...

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Pope Francis – Young People and the Example of Mary

Pope Francis – January 2019 You young people have, in the Virgin Mary, a reason for joy and a source of inspiration. Take advantage of the World Youth Day in Panama to contemplate Christ together with Mary. We will pray the Rosary together for peace, each of us in our own language. And ask for...

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Dear Brothers and Sisters, “You received without payment; give without payment” (Mt 10:8). These are the words spoken by Jesus when sending forth his apostles to spread the Gospel, so that his Kingdom might grow through acts of gratuitous love. On the XXVII World Day of the Sick, to be solemnly celebrated on 11 February 2019...

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United Nations and the Oblates of Mary Immaculate

Originally Published on OMIUSAJPIC.ORG Fr. Daniel LeBlanc is a Canadian Oblate who was also a missionary to Peru. At present, he is the OMI representative at the United Nations. Here in the video, he explains how and why we are there at the biggest international body in the world.  

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Beautiful New Calendar for 2019

You may have seen these beautiful calendars in your parish over the past few weeks. They were produced by Colum Keating and Fr Leo Philomin. The calendar features some beautiful imagery of the various Oblate projects, events and missions from around the province over the past 12 months, alongside some quotes from Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation:...

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Fr Oliver Barry provincial

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, As 2019 begins I wish you all a very Happy New Year. It will be a year full of challenges for our world, for our church and for us a Congregation. Let us embrace these challenges with a spirit of faith confident that the Christ who we have welcomed once again at...

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