Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate


morning prayer december 6th st nicholas

Morning Prayer December 6th Feast of Saint Nicholas

Brothers and sisters, today we celebrate the Feast of Saint Nicholas, to whom today’s Gospel reading fits perfectly. The life of Saint Nicholas is surrounded with many stories, myths and legends, which shows that throughout history Saint Nicholas has been a very popular example for Christians. It also shows in the fact that he is...

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Morning Prayer with the Oblate Family: Monday December 5th

Good morning, everyone, and welcome to today’s morning prayer! Today, we are joined by Gerard, from the Oblate Lourdes Pilgrimage Team.   In today’s Gospel reading, we hear a story of faith and how that faith moved Jesus to heal the man on a stretcher. During this time of Advent, we prepare ourselves for Christmas...

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Morning Prayer with the Oblate Family: Sunday December 4th

Good morning, everyone, and welcome to today’s morning prayer! Today, we are joined by Gerard, from the Oblate Lourdes Pilgrimage Team. The Gospel today is from Matthew. It is about the time when John the Baptist tells the people to repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand, and performs many baptisms, in anticipation...

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Morning Prayer with the Oblate Family: Saturday December 3rd

Good morning, everyone, and welcome to today’s morning prayer! Today, we are joined by Pauline, from Anglesey, Wales. The Gospel today is from Matthew and is about the time when Jesus went around the synagogues, teaching to the people, and gave his twelve disciples great power and responsibility. In this reading, Jesus is attentive to...

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Morning Prayer with the Oblate Family: Friday December 2nd

Good morning, everyone, and welcome to today’s morning prayer! Today, we are joined by Pauline, from Anglesey, Wales. The Gospel today is from Matthew, and recounts the time when Jesus cured two blind men, who were strong in faith. As Pauline explains, our own spiritual healing starts at the very moment we decide to reach...

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Letter of the Superior General for the Celebration of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary

Dear brother Oblates and all brothers and sisters of our charismatic family. Today we greet Mary, “blessed among women”, as we contemplate the miracle of God’s mercy in the mystery of her Immaculate Conception. We celebrate ourselves for having her as our mother and patron and we ask her to intercede for us as our...

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Morning Prayer with the Oblate Family: Thursday December 1st

Good morning, everyone, and welcome to today’s morning prayer! Today, we are joined by Colin, from Mill Hill, London. The Gospel today is from Matthew and is about the parable of the wise man who built his house on rock and the foolish one who built on sand. Let us listen to the Word of...

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Morning Prayer with the Oblate Family: Wednesday November 30th

Good morning, everyone, and welcome to today’s morning prayer! Today, we are joined by Colin, from Mill Hill, London. The Gospel reading for today is from Matthew, where Jesus calls his first disciples – Peter and Andrew, followed by James and John. Today is also the Feast Day of St. Andrew who, as it says...

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Join the online Advent Evening Retreats 2022 – Tuesdays in Advent at 7:30pm

“Hearing Voices of Hope” Times: Tuesday 29 November Tuesday 6 December Tuesday 13 December Tuesday 20 December During this season of Advent, you are invited to participate through scripture, prayer, reflection and sharing on this time leading to the birth of Christ. Join a weekly evening retreat each Tuesday in Advent from 7:30-8:30pm. We begin...

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morning prayer november 29th

Oblate Family Morning Prayer: November 29th

Good morning once again dear friends! Please join Fr Michael Brady OMI, who is a member of our community and worked in Brazil as a missionary Oblate for many years. Today we listen to the gospel reading and join Fr Michael for a short time of prayer and reflect on the gospel message. Fr Michael...

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