Oblate News

Each Friday
On many Fridays I am drawn to the mystery revealed on mount Calvary. Our God, Yahweh, frequently chooses mountains as the place where he reveals his mysterious relationship with us humans. We are his creatures and unlike the rest of creation he has freely chosen to enter into a personal relationship with us. This already...

Ulma family’s legacy: self-giving love – Social Oblate
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A “Ulma family’s legacy – self-giving love” Friends, the Ulma family led an ordinary life against the backdrop of the Second World War. Josef worked in the fields, while Wiktoria managed their home and cared for their six children and another on the way. Through their simple daily routines,...

Reflecting on World Youth Day 2023
Some Reflections on my experience of WYD (World Youth Day) – “Mary set out in haste to meet her cousin Elizabeth” and so did our small group to Lisbon! Looking back over my time at WYD (World Youth Day), I have this sense that so much came at my senses from all directions that it...

How was your experience of the Lisbon World Youth Day?
When asked how our experience of the Lisbon World Youth Day was, in short we would say; Encouraging, inspirational, overwhelming at times, but that it set a better foundation in faith for ourselves. Picture this, it’s Saturday and the evening is drawing in, bringing with it a well welcomed breeze. The day had reached an...

Season of Creation 2023 : Begins September 1st
Season of Creation 2023 : “Let Justice and Peace Flow” Published on Thursday 31 August 2023, www.omiworld,org Jean-Hérick JASMIN, OMI (Director JPIC) Every year from September 1st to October 4th, the Laudato Sí Action Plan team invites us to celebrate as a community and throughout the world the “Season of Creation.” The Season of Creation...

Send in your prayer intentions
We’d like to invite those who aren’t able to join us in Lourdes to send us your prayer intentions. So we may present them to Our Lady at the Grotto where she appeared to Saint Bernadette so long ago. You can do so by: Emailing them to lourdes@oblates.ie Or filling out the form below: Send...

Fr Gerard Kenny OMI – 1936 – 2023
The funeral mass and celebration of the life of Oblate Fr Gerry Kenny OMI took place on the 2nd of August 2023 at 12-Noon in the Oblate Mary Immaculate Church, Tyrconnell Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8 Gerry Kenny was born in Ballymacward, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway on 27 February 1936. He attended primary school in Arklow, Co....

Letter of the Superior General for the Solemnity of the Assumption
Let us walk together listening to the call to care for the common home. DOWNLOAD PDF LJC et MI Dear Brother Oblates and members of our Charismatic Family, September 1st is the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. It is an initiative of Pope Francis who has also written the Encyclical Laudato...

World Youth Day: Pope Francis Way Of The Cross
Today has seen another jam-packed World Youth Day (WYD) full of Rise Encounters and finished off with the Way Of The Cross with Pope Francis this evening. The Oblate Youth team took the opportunity to attend a talk from Bishop Barron, as well as other speakers and to explore the town of Lisbon with the...

WYD: Pope Francis Welcome Ceremony
Thursday 3rd August 2023, saw the official opening ceremony with Pope Francis. It is estimated that 500,000 young people turned up to Park Eduardo to greet and listen to him. Our Oblate Youth from the Anglo-Irish province along with many others arrived two hours early to get a good spot and enjoy the live performances....