Oblate News

Morning Prayer: Sunday 3rd October, 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
For the next number of days we will join the Oblate parish of St Joseph’s, Colwyn Bay in North Wales for our morning prayer. Today’s prayer is presented by Fr Frank Ryan OMI. Today we concentrate on the readings of St Paul from this Sunday’s mass. “For the one who sanctifies, and the ones who...

Join Robert for Morning Prayer on Day 4 of our Virtual Lourdes Pilgrimage
Join Robert Altman for Morning Prayer on Day 4 of our Virtual Lourdes Pilgrimage . Robert has, for the last number of years, been part of the team for the Oblate pilgrimage to Lourdes with the Oblate Youth Service and the students from Belvedere college. He is Chaplain in the college. This morning, he reflects...

Watch Back: Online Pilgrimage Events so far
Watch back all pilgrimage events from our Virtual Lourdes Pilgrimage: Lourdes, Bringing Us Together here on the Oblates website. If you would like to donate to support the pilgrimage, you may do so here: Donate to support the Pilgrimage: If you wish to donate in € Euro, click the button below to donate online on...

Lourdes Virtual Pilgrimage 2021: Opening Service
Our online Lourdes pilgrimage for 2021 , ‘Lourdes: Bringing us Together”, begins with our opening service at 7pm, presented by Kairos Community Trust, a wonderful organisation based in London, dedicated to helping homeless men and women with drug and alcohol problems. Every year, Kairos volunteers are part of the Oblate Lourdes Pilgrimage team, and in...

Reflection on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross
The Exaltation of the Cross Today in union with the whole Church we celebrate the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross. The cross is central to our faith as followers of Jesus. It is through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus that that we are saved and forgiven. It is through his...

Photos: Reception of New Oblate Novices in Italy
Friends, please see some images from the Oblates of Mary Immaculate of the Mediterranean Province in Italy of the reception of Novices. Included in the event is Carl Lanigan, who comes from Darndale in Dublin. We wish Carl every blessing as he continues his faith journey in this time of discernment. Carl says: “It...

2021 Lourdes Pilgrimage Update
Lourdes: Bringing us together Our Lourdes pilgrimage will take place online from the 17-22 of September 2021. This year, as we did last year, we will participate virtually in all our Pilgrimage events, most of which will be broadcast from the “Irish Lourdes” – the replica Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes at the Oblate...

Pope to grant Plenary Indulgences on World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly
On the occasion of the First World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly, Pope Francis grants Plenary Indulgences to grandparents, the elderly and all the faithful who participate “motivated by a true spirit of penance and charity.” From www.vaticannews.va In a note released on Tuesday, The Apostolic Penitentiary explains that “in order to increase the...

Oblate from England appointed Secretary of Pontifical Council for Protection of Minors
Protection of Minors: New Secretary strengthens Church’s commitment Pope Francis appoints Fr Andrew Small OMI from England as pro tempore Secretary for the Pontifical Council for the Protection of Minors. By Vatican News staff writer Pope Francis has appointed Fr Andrew Small OMI as new Secretary of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of...

Oblate Lay Congress 2022 Update
On December 3, 1995, the Oblate World turned its eyes toward Rome where Bishop Eugene de Mazenod was canonized by the future Saint, Pope John Paul II. Since the canonisation of St Eugene de Mazenod, founder of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate many people are seeking to know more about St Eugene and the Oblates of...