Oblate News

#ChristmasCribs – thanks for sharing your cribs with us.
Today is the feast of the Epiphany and the memorial of the visitation of the Magi to the Baby Jesus, where they worshipped Him and acknowledged Him as the Christ-child, our Saviour – and many of our cribs are now completed with the addition of the figures of the Three Wise Men! We invite you...

Christmas Blessings and Greetings from the Oblates!
Fr Johnson, Fr Pashal, Fr Tom and Fr Ray all wish you a very happy and blessed Christmas wherever you are. Join for a few minutes of prayer this Christmas day as we celebrate with joy the birth of Christ our Lord!

Christmas Eve at 5pm: Prayers and Carols at the Crib in Kilburn
Dear friends, join Fr Terry online at 5pm with the parishioners and children of the Sacred Heart Parish, in Quex Road, Kilburn, London, for prayers and Christmas Carols at the Crib. We place the Baby Jesus in the Crib with Mary and Joseph on Christmas Night and we join together in hope and faith as...

Mission With Youth Advent Series: Week 4
Fourth Week: The Lord is With Us! Theme: The Lord is with us! (Luke 1:26-38) In the last meditation prepared by Therese, Jenny, Adalbert, Gerard and Fr Dominick, the Oblate Mission with Youth invites us to stop and meditate for a while on the words Archangel Gabriel spoke to Mary: “Do not be afraid.”...

Live Discussion Today at 2pm: Blessed Oblate Martyrs of Laos
DECEMBER 17 – The day of Beatification of the Blessed Oblate Martyrs of Spain Let us join the LIVE DISCUSSION which will be streamed on the OMI World Facebook page. Available to watch at the following link: https://www.facebook.com/omiworld.org DATE AND TIME: December 17 Ireland/UK – 2pm Rome/Madrid/Abuja – 3 PM Johannesburg/Roma – 4 PM...

Mission with Youth: Advent Meditation 3
Hello, Friends! On the third week of Advent, together with Father Eduardo, Maria and Maveth we continue our journey towards the Christmas Day. Like in the last week, today also Saint John the Baptist helps us to prepare the way for the Lord. This week is quite challenging though – he says that he came...

The Oblate Martyrs of Laos – December 16th
Memorial: December 16 Laos presents to Christianity its “Witnesses of the Faith in the 20th century,” 17 men who died as martyrs between 1954 and 1970: a young Laotian priest, 5 priests of the Foreign Missions of Paris, 6 Oblates of Mary Immaculate—an Italian and 5 French, 5 Laotian laymen. The beatification ceremony for all...

Save the date: Christmas Musical Gathering with the Oblate family
Christmas Musical Gathering with the Oblate family In these unprecedented Covid-19 times, we find ourselves experiencing long moments of social isolation, and finding it more and more challenging each day especially with the festive season of Christmas drawing near. Here is a unique opportunity to come together socially even if it means electronically via Zoom...

Advent Series: 2. Prepare a Way for the Lord
In the second week of Advent, we try to take a real step forward. From the first Sunday of Advent, when Jesus simply asked us to “stay awake”, now we want to move forward and do something to “prepare the way for the Lord.” Clodagh, Renato, Lorraine and Fr Dominick will help us in understanding...

Letter to the Congregation on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception 2020
Letter to the Congregation on the occasion of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary – 2020 Published on Tuesday 1 December 2020 Download the PDF The Internal Committee for Mission L.J.C. et M.I. Dear brother Oblates and all those who live the charism of St. Eugene, Blessed be God the Father...