Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate

Oblate News

Building Bonds: Insights from the Recent Major Superiors’ Gathering

Article is taken from, Cor Unum – OMI World The recently concluded Orientation Session for Major Superiors, held from June 7 to 22, 2024, offered an invaluable opportunity to meet the servant leaders of various Oblate units in person. This session allowed me to connect faces to the names I had previously known only through...

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New Provincial Council Installed Oblate Assembly 2024

New Provincial and Provincial Council installed during the 2024 Assembly

The call of Jesus Christ, heard within the Church through people’s need for salvation, draws us together as Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. Christ thus invites us to follow him and to share in his mission through word and work. (C1) During the annual Oblate Assembly 2024, the rite of Installation took place during the...

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Sr Hilary Fitzgerald Holy Family of Bordeaux

Sr Hilary Fitzgerald celebrates 103 years of age

– by Sr Catherine Lavery Sr Hilary recently celebrated her 103rd birthday and 85 years as a Religious Sister of Holy Family of Bordeaux currently living in Rock Ferry, Birkenhead. Sr Hilary is originally from Listowel Co. Kerry. She came to Kilburn, London from Kerry in 1939 during war time.  She trained as a Social...

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Thanksgiving Mass in Wester Hailes Featured image

Thanksgiving Mass in St John Ogilvie’s Parish

On Sunday 9 June, the 10.00am Mass in St John Ogilvie’s was offered in thanksgiving for the work of the Oblates, who have faithfully served the parish of St John Ogilvie’s in Wester Hailes since 1980. Fr. Oliver Barry OMI, Oblate Provincial, led the celebration, with Fr Boguslav, the current parish priest of Wester Hailes....

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Calling Chronicles Vocations mission in Kilburn

The Calling Chronicles: Vocations Mission in Kilburn

During our Novena for Oblate Vocations, the Oblate Vocations Mission team visited the London parishes in Kilburn and Tower Hill. Here you can listen to Fr Eduardo and Sr Imma speak about Vocation to Oblate Life and their own calling during the parish mission in Sacred Heart, Quex Road in Kilburn.

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Oblates Unite in Joyful Celebration for the Founder’s Feast!

On May 21st, the Feast of St. Eugene de Mazenod, social media came alive with vibrant celebrations from Oblate Units around the world. Our global, charismatic family shared joyous moments, filling the day with unity and enthusiasm. We’ve curated a collection of photos from various platforms to showcase the highlights of this grace-filled day. Enter into...

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Announcement Regarding the Detention of Two Oblates in Belarus

Announcement Regarding the Detention of Two Oblates in Belarus, please pray for our fellow Oblate brothers’ intentions.   The Polish Province of the Missionaries of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate, overseeing the Oblate Mission in Belarus, confirms the detention of two Oblate missionaries by Belarusian authorities in the Diocese of Vitebsk. Fathers Andrzej Yuchnevich OMI...

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Cor Unum Blog

Cor Unum: Interculturality as Prophecy

Last week, the central government participated in a two-day session focused on interculturality. We were led by Fr. Peter Claver SVD, a native of Ghana and the Provincial of his mother province in Germany, with over 200 members—nearly half of whom originate from various countries. As a community of eleven Oblates from eleven different nationalities,...

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Pope Francis with Oblate Provncials

Oblates Greeted by the Holy Father, Pope Francis, in Rome

Over the weekend, Fr Oliver Barry OMI, our outgoing Provincial, Fr Lorcán O’Reilly OMI, our incoming Provincial and Fr Irvin Morastil OMI met with members of the Oblate General Administration in Rome. During their visit they, together with Fr Andrew Small OMI, were greeted by Pope Francis. During the last three years Fr Andrew has...

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Video: "Caring for Creation" Workshop with Trócaire in Inchicore

Video: “Caring for Creation” Workshop with Trócaire in Inchicore

Recently the Oblates JPIC (Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation) group held a workshop in Inchicore called “Caring from Creation” which was faciliated by Laura and Jane from @trocaire and focused on Laudato Si’ (“Praise be to you, my Lord”), the encyclical letter by the Holy Father, Pope Francis, on caring for our common home....

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