Oblate News

Taizé prayer for English Martyrs Primary School, Tower Hill
On an early bright sunny Wednesday morning, three of us, Ronan, Dawn and myself from the Partners in Mission team ventured into central London with our vehicle carrying colourful drapes, a Taizé cross, plenty of big candles. Our primary aim was to share these visual resources and introduce a form of Taizé prayer to the...

A thank you to Fr Paul Horrocks
Father Paul Anthony Horrocks has been a Chaplain at the Lourdes Sanctuary for 15 years and will be moving shortly to Ireland to take up a new assignment. We sat down with Fr. Paul to find out a little more about him and his experiences at the Sanctuary. Can you tell us a little about...

“To me anybody who does good is following Christ.”
Personal Profile Working at the coalface to combat homelessness and help communities for most of his life, one priest is determined to help those suffering as a result of Ireland’s insidious housing crisis. Currently focusing on housing families, Fr Patsy Carolan OMI has been helping vulnerable people in whatever community he finds himself in, from...

In Memory of Fr Bernard (Benny) Halpin OMI
Fr Bernard (Benny) Halpin OMI Fr Benny went home to God on March 5, 2019 (peacefully) in the care of the staff at the Hermitage Clinic, Lucan; he is deeply regretted by his loving sister Teresa (London), brother Jimmy (New York), close friend Finola, nieces, nephews, relatives, and his Oblate brothers. Benny Halpin, the youngest...

Oblate Honoured with ‘Housing Hero’ Award
People who work in housing and homelessness across Ireland have been recognised for their contribution to local communities and the wider economy, at the prestigious CIH Housing Awards 2019, held at Titanic, Belfast on Friday 22 February. The awards aim to recognise the outstanding people and many diverse housing organisations that make a real difference...

Renewal of Oblate Vows
Renewal of Oblate Vows Three young men from the Oblate Province of Southern Africa and Namibia renewed their vows as Oblates of Mary Immaculate in different parts of our Province this past coming weekend. Their presence among us highlights the Internationality of our Congregation. In Kilburn, Max Hambabi Haundapiti OMI, Province of Namibia, renewed his...

Inchicore Lourdes Novena 2019
The Annual Lourdes Novena, is celebrated from the 2nd to the 11th of February in the parish of Mary Immaculate Inchicore, and was well attended each day. A special celebration of the anointing of the sick took place on Saturday 9th February during the Novena. As well as the morning mass and evening novena service, led by Fr Brian de Búrca...

Letter of the Superior General to the Congregation for “Oblate Day”
February 17th is known throughout the Oblate World as “Oblate Day.” It is the anniversary of day when the Congregation and its Constitutions were formally approved by Rome. This Letter from Our Superior General, Fr Louis Lougen OMI, was originally published at omiworld.org The letter of Dear Brother Oblates, and all our Brothers and Sisters...

Survey on Sacraments – Archdiocese of Dublin
Listening 2019 The Archdiocese of Dublin is seeking the views of parents, teachers, priests and parish personnel and the wider faith community on how we might improve the way we prepare and celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, Communion and Confirmation. As many people as possible are invited to take part in this on line...

St Brigid’s Day
La Fhéile Bride, the feast of St Brigid, female patron saint of Ireland was celebrated with a special liturgy in St Michael’s church, Inchicore, on Friday, 1stFebruary. Many legends and traditions relating to Brigid were recalled and shared by the congregation, with special mention of her closeness to creation and her care and reverence for...