Oblate News

The Smile of Life
(In his missionary blog, Fr. Domenico RODIGHIERO tells about the ministry of one of his fellow Oblates, Fr. June Ongart KHAESER. Here are excerpts. [see www.rodighierodomenico.org]) “When I meet a handicapped person who smiles, I open my heart because I feel that life is stronger than pain, resignation and a sense of defeat.” These are the words...

The Promise of ‘Laudato Si’ for Integral Ecology
The following is an extract from the address of Pope Francis to mark the third anniversary of the encyclical “Laudato Si” Dear brothers and sisters, challenges are not lacking! I express my heartfelt gratitude for your efforts in the service of care for creation and a better future for our children and grandchildren. Sometimes it...

Venezuela, the Missionary Oblates: “An unending disaster”
(On 13 July 2018, the website “Vatican Insider” (http://www.lastampa.it/vaticaninsider/ita) published in Italian this article by Luciano Zanardini about the situation the Oblates in Venezuela have been facing for several years.) “The situation in Venezuela is a disaster. Having the highest inflation in the world, after four consecutive years, is making the minimum monthly wage of...

Always in danger of death
Bishop Angelito LAMPON On May 26, 2018, Oblate Bishop Angelito LAMPON, Vicar Apostolic of Jolo, ordained to the priesthood three young Oblates: Fathers Harold LAGNAODA, Roy PACIENTE, and Anthony SOTOMIL. Bishop Angelito, whose predecessor was murdered, knows well that to be a Catholic bishop, priest or religious in his area means danger and could even...

“I am more than a priest, I am an Oblate Priest!” – The Ordination of Fr. Victor Manuel Patricio Silva, O.M.I.
On May 18, 2018 Fr. Victor Manuel Patricio Silva, O.M.I. was ordained to the priesthood. It was the conclusion of a long and winding road to the ordination of the newest Missionary Oblate. On May 18, 2018 Fr. Victor Manuel Patricio Silva, O.M.I. was ordained to the priesthood. It was the conclusion of a long...

No más mulas – No more mules
Father John WOTHERSPOON has spent much of his Oblate and priestly life as a missionary in Hong Kong, China. Originally from the Province of Australia, of which China is an Oblate Delegation, he went to Hong Kong as a teacher in a school run by the Oblates in 1985. Currently, he ministers as a prison...

Gospel Reflection for Easter Sunday
Our Lenten journey and pilgrimage are over. Our fasting is complete; now we can feast and celebrate. We have travelled with Jesus from the harshness of the desert to the new life coming from the empty tomb. Having walked with Jesus as we carried our cross, we now share in and experience the joy and...

St. Eugene and GOOD FRIDAY
Can I forget the bitter tears that the sight of the cross brought streaming from my eyes one Good Friday? “Can I forget … the sight of the cross?” asks Eugene, and the peace that flowed into his life as a result. Never was my soul more satisfied, never did it feel such happiness; for...

Daily Lenten Reflections Written by Fr. Ron Rolheiser, OMI
Click on any date below to hear the reflection for that day March 1, 2018 March 2, 2018 March 3, 2018 March 4, 2018 March 5, 2018 March 6, 2018 March 7, 2018 March 8, 2018 March 9, 2018 March 10, 2018 March 11, 2018 March 12, 2018 March 13, 2018 March 14, 2018 March 15, 2018 March 16, 2018 ...

Gospel Reflection for Ash Wednesday and St. Valentine’s Day
Sadly, Lent may not be as popular as Advent. Advent lasts for four weeks and prepare us for the joyous celebration Christmas and all that goes with it. Lent on the other hand lasts for forty days. During these forty days we are asked to give up things we like when we fast. Jesus...