Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate

Oblate News

Video: "Caring for Creation" Workshop with Trócaire in Inchicore

Video: “Caring for Creation” Workshop with Trócaire in Inchicore

Recently the Oblates JPIC (Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation) group held a workshop in Inchicore called “Caring from Creation” which was faciliated by Laura and Jane from @trocaire and focused on Laudato Si’ (“Praise be to you, my Lord”), the encyclical letter by the Holy Father, Pope Francis, on caring for our common home....

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Friends of Saint Eugene Crewe: FoSE During Lent

My name is Anne Walker, I am a member of the Friends of St Eugene here in Crewe.  We are very privileged to have the Oblate Retreat Centre near to us so that we are able to meet there.  It is a great blessing for us.  The FoSE were formed here in 2012 by Angela...

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The Calling Chronicles - St Eugene's Good Friday Experience

The Calling Chronicles: The Good Friday Experience

Friends, Fr. Irvin, discusses Saint Eugene’s Good Friday Experience and how this shaped the OMI community we know today. If you or someone you know wants to become a PRIEST or a BROTHER, please contact vocations@oblates,co,uk or for more details check out our website: https://oblates.ie/vocations/

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Eugene de Mazenod Good Friday Experience April 2nd

St. Eugene’s Good Friday Experience

St. Eugene’s Good Friday Experience Today, Good Friday can be a day of mixed emotions and feelings for a lot of us – especially this year as we continue to live with the consequences of Covid 19. For many of us within our own families, communities and parishes and throughout the world, the reality of...

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Pray the Way of the Cross Holy week 2024

Pray the Way of the Cross in the Oblate Gardens, Inchicore

Join us for the Way of the Cross, from the Gardens of the Oblate Community at the House of Retreat, Inchicore. Each year during Holy Week between Palm Sunday and Good Friday, the Stations of the Cross are placed in the beautiful grounds and gardens of the Oblates. We especially welcome all those who are...

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Easter Triduum A Pilgrimage with Saint Eugene

The Easter Triduum: A Pilgrimage with St. Eugene

The Easter Triduum A Pilgrimage with St. Eugene Join Fr. Frank Santucci, O.M.I. and Fr. David Muñoz-López, O.M.I. each day of the Triduum in reflective conversations about the meaning of the Triduum for St. Eugene and the Mazenodian Family. Click the image for the video page.

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Lay Delegates in Aix-En-Provence

Greetings from Aix-en-Provence and the Foundation House of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate

Over the last few days, there has been a gathering of lay people and vowed Oblates from different countries of Europe – Italy, Spain, Germany, Czech, Poland, Belgium, France, Great Britain, and Ireland – to share  with each other what has happened in our Provinces (not each country is an individual Province) since the Congress...

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Haiti Update: Close to the people – the Oblates in Port-au-Prince

Close to the people: Oblates in Port-au-Prince Please pray for the people of Haiti and for an end to all violence Published on Friday 15 March 2024 Haiti The entire Charismatic family stands in solidarity with the Oblates and the Church in Haiti. We are witnesses to the serious crisis in Haiti, which has been...

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Bereavement notice: Fr Herbert Bromley OMI

It is with regret that the Oblate Community announces the death of Fr Herbert (Bert) Bromley OMI. Herbert died peacefully, surrounded by his family, in his home town of Ballyshannon on Tuesday, 5th March 2024.     May Herbert rest in peace.   RIP.ie Notice: Bromley, Fr. Herbert (Bert) O.M.I (Ballyshannon, Bloemfontein South Africa, Bristol,...

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Romero Week 2024

Romero Week 2024 | The Archbishop Romero Trust

Saturday, 16 March: LONDON 11am at St Martin-in-the-Fields, Trafalgar Square, London: Annual ecumenical service to mark the anniversary of the martyrdom of Archbishop Romero. Speaker: Raymond Perrier. March marks the forty-fourth anniversary of the martyrdom of Archbishop Romero in 1980. To commemorate the life and legacy of St Oscar Romero, the Romero Trust is pleased...

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