Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate

Weekly Reflections

Sunday January 10th

Gospel Reflection for Sunday January 10th 2021

Having celebrated the Epiphany of the Lord, we now mark and honour his Baptism. The word ‘Epiphany’ means to show or reveal. Jesus was shown and revealed as the Saviour and light for the whole world and all peoples for all time. Tradition suggests to us that after his baptism in the River Jordan by...

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sunday january 3rd

Gospel Reflection for 3rd January

Jesus the Light of the World In his song, ‘So this is Christmas’ John Lennon sang, ‘another year over and new one just begun.’ I think is a very suitable way to begin not only this reflection, but this New Year! Like me, you are more than likely glad to the back and the end...

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december 27th sunday

Sunday December 27th 2020: Read Br Michael’s Gospel Reflection

The Feast of the Holy Family Hopefully our festivities with our families and in parishes to celebrate the birth of Jesus went well. We hope that our families met as best they could and that people gathered in their local parish church to pray with and for each other at this most sacred time of...

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december 20th fourth sunday of advent

Sunday December 20th 2020: Read Br Michael’s Gospel Reflection

Mary is called and says ‘Yes’ Today is the last Sunday of our Advent journey and we are blessed to spend it in the company of Mary. This morning we read and hear the gospel that is traditionally called The Annunciation. In this most well known of gospels; God’s messenger appears and calls Mary personally...

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sunday december 13th 2020

Sunday December 13th 2020: Read Br Michael’s Gospel Reflection

John – a witness for the Light Today, the third Sunday of Advent is traditionally called ‘Gaudete Sunday’ and the pink candle on the wreath is lit.  The opening prayer of the mass today says, Rejoice in the Lord, indeed the Lord is near (Phil. 4.4). Given what we been through and are still experiencing,...

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sunday december 6th 2020

Sunday December 6th 2020: Read Br Michael’s Gospel Reflection

John the Baptist: Messenger of Hope The clocks were turned back an hour several weeks ago; Halloween has come and gone as have the Feasts of All Saints and All Souls. The mornings and evenings are now dark and autumn has given way to winter. In more ways than one, these are now dark days...

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november 29th

Sunday November 29th 2020: Read Br Michael’s Gospel Reflection

The 1st Sunday of Advent: Stay Awake and Prepare Sadly, for many if not all of us, we will not be in our parish churches today to mark the beginning of Advent. Due to the continuing restrictions caused by the coronavirus our churches are still closed. Hopefully they will open soon. In one way or...

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sunday reflection november 22nd

Sunday November 22nd 2020: Read Br Michael’s Gospel Reflection

This is our God, the Servant King Today we celebrate the Feast of Christ of King; it is the last the Sunday of the current liturgical year in the Church. Next Sunday Advent begins. Today is about endings and beginnings. These months have been and sadly continue to be draining, demanding and difficult on a...

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sunday november 15th

Sunday November 15th 2020: Read Br Michael’s Gospel Reflection

Gifts and Talents Whether one is a child or an adult, we all love opening gifts at Christmas or when it’s our birthday. Think of the joy and expectation when opening the present and the surprise when what is inside is finally revealed. It is not only the person who opens the gift who experiences...

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november 8th

Sunday November 8th 2020: Read Br Michael’s Gospel Reflection

Be ready and prepared! The image of a feast or banquet is used in scripture to describe both the kingdom and the generosity of God. The gospel today presents us with one such celebration; a wedding. Do you remember the last wedding to which you were invited? I do. It was my brothers only a...

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