Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate

Weekly Reflections

Good Shepherd Sunday

Gospel Reflection for Sunday May 12th: The Good Shepherd

Jesus, The Good Shepherd  For those of us who live in cities and housing estates of one kind or another, we  more than likely don’t see a lot of shepherds or indeed sheep! So how are we to make sense of the language and images in the gospel this Sunday? Jesus was a master story-teller...

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Gospel Reflection for Sunday 5th May

Jesus cooks breakfast on the sea shore!  Sometimes we might be tempted to believe that those who knew Jesus personally in the gospels; the disciples, apostles or even the later saints had everything figured and sorted out. But the gospel today would suggest otherwise. After spending three years with him as he preached and healed,...

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Gospel Reflection for 28th April – Divine Mercy Sunday

Doubting or Believing Thomas?  With all the initial joy and energy of the Resurrection passing; we are now faced with a dose of reality: fear, confusion and doubt. Not everyone believed that Jesus had truly risen from the dead. After all, they had seen him being condemned, beaten and crucified. They had witnessed him die...

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Gospel Reflection for Easter Sunday

The People in darkness have seen a great light! We began our Lenten journey with Jesus in the desert.  We did our best to pray for each and with each other as we travelled with him during those forty days. On Palm Sunday we greeted him joyfully as we waved our palms and cried, ‘Hosanna,...

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Reflection on this Sunday’s Gospel – Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday The drama and action of Holy Week begins In every detective novel and thriller, there is the final chapter where things come to a dramatic conclusion; the situation is resolved either for better or worse. This Sunday, we begin Holy Week, the final week of Jesus’ earthly life. This is...

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Love and Forgive: Gospel Reflection for Sunday 7th April

Loved and forgiven… We are all very aware of the phrase, ‘people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.’ What does this actually mean? Well, if you’re standing in a glass house and you throw a stone, you are definitely going to break a window and end up doing some harm to yourself! What does this...

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Gospel Reflection for 31st March

  The Patient and Forgiving Parent  We may have heard the phrase familiarity breeds contempt.  This simply means that we can take for granted and become casual and even indifferent to what we are used to. This applies as much to scripture as it does to anything else. When we come across a gospel or...

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Gospel Refection for Sunday 24th March

God who never gives up on us… Jesus was a great story teller! He spoke to the people in ways that they were familiar with and understood. He spoke about farming, shepherds, wine, fishing and sowing seeds. Jesus spoke the language of the people of his time. Today, in our gospel is no different. Bad...

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Gospel Reflection for Sunday 17th March

A Place of Revelation  In the gospel this Sunday, Jesus takes a small group of his followers and friends away from the noise market place and walks with them up the mountain. In scripture, both the Old and New Testament, the mountain is very important and significant; it is the place of revelation. The mountain...

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Gospel Reflection for 10th March

Jesus is tempted and so are we! It’s that time of the year again – Lent! We begin our Lenten Journey as we always do with Jesus in the desert. For many of us who live in cities, the desert may seem like a strange and unfamiliar place. It can be place of heat, danger...

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