Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate

Weekly Reflections

Gospel Reflection for 3rd March

Judging others… Whenever we see a political debate during an election campaign, we normally witness politicians from different sides condemning and criticising each other. They each believe that they are right and will say whatever it takes to get their message across. You and I may never get the chance to appear on television to...

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Gospel Reflection for 24th February 

Love your enemies… Liking something is easy enough; it doesn’t ask too much of us. People like their own favourite biscuits or sweets. The prefer or like their favourite television programme. Loving something or someone is another matter altogether! In the gospel this Sunday, Jesus asks us to love; not just or even our friends,...

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Gospel Reflection Sunday 17th February Beatitudes

The Beatitudes; Jesus’ Manifesto! All politicians have their own catchphrases, slogans and manifestos. These tell us who they and what they stand for. Perhaps, just perhaps, Jesus is somewhat similar. When he stood up in synagogue, he proclaimed for all to hear, “I have come to bring the Good News to Poor”. Jesus could not...

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Gospel Reflection for Sunday 10th February

Peter the Fisherman is called… Peter is often held up to as a model of faith, strength and leadership, but this was not always the case. He began his life before he met Jesus as a humble married fisherman. In the gospel this Sunday, we meet Peter and his friends after they have come back...

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Gospel Reflection for Sunday 3rd February

Jesus proclaims the Word of God and is rejected Whenever Jesus speaks in the gospels, he does so with courage and confidence. He does not change or alter his message for anyone. He comes with a radically new message, which for some is very hard to hear never mind accept or believe. In John’s gospels...

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Gospel Reflection for 27th of January

‘I have been sent to bring the Good News to the Poor…’ We have finished our Advent preparations; we have celebrated Christmas, the Epiphany and the Baptism of Jesus. Now, as we begin what is called ‘Ordinary Time’ we meet Jesus as he openly and publicly begins his public ministry. When a politician wants to...

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Gospel Reflection for 20th January – Wedding at Cana

‘Do Whatever he tells you…’ It may look and sound a little strange having just celebrated Advent and Christmas to find ourselves at a wedding with Mary and Jesus; but here we are! Mary is not only central to Advent and to Christmas, she is central to God’s whole plan for humanity. It is through...

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Jesus’ Baptism – Gospel Reflection January 13th

Today, in union with the whole Church, we celebrate the great event that is the Baptism of the Lord. Today is also a great opportunity for us to remember our own Baptism. In film, on television and in literature, there is no shortage of heroes. What exactly is a hero? Heroes are generally very ordinary...

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Gospel Reflection 6th January 2019 – Epiphany

All is Revealed… I love magic and magicians. I never ceased to be amazed by the speed at which the magician seems to do something that looks impossible. There is a very serious rule among magicians all over the world; under no circumstances let no one know or tell them how the trick was done;...

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Gospel Reflection for 1st January 2019

The Solemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of God  World Day of Peace Happy New Year! More than likely there were plenty of parties and celebrations on New Year’s Eve as the old new year ended and the new one was ushered in. As we continue the sacred season of Christmas, today, New Years Day,...

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