Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate

Weekly Reflections

Gospel Reflection for 1st January 2019

The Solemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of God  World Day of Peace Happy New Year! More than likely there were plenty of parties and celebrations on New Year’s Eve as the old new year ended and the new one was ushered in. As we continue the sacred season of Christmas, today, New Years Day,...

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Gospel Reflection for Feast of the Holy Family, December 30th

Mary, Joseph and Jesus their Son, Jesus Christ. Today, we gather around the Holy Family; Mary, Joseph and Jesus. It is through this poor family that God’s love for each of us and the whole world is revealed and experienced. God did not come to us in power, glory, wealth or majesty. God chose to...

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Gospel Reflection for December 25th

Jesus is born and God is with us Christmas Day has final arrived; the cleaning is done, the tree is fully lit and decorated and all the presents have been brought and wrapped. Now it’s time to rest, relax and rejoice. So what have the last four weeks of being busy and preparing all been...

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Advent Gospel Reflection for 23rd December

Mary shares her Good News with Elizabeth… This Sunday is the fourth and last Sunday of Advent. Our journey of preparation to celebrate the birth of Jesus is almost complete; but not just yet; we still have a few more days left! So it is very fitting that this Sunday we encounter Mary just after...

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Gospel Reflection for 16th December

John the Baptist comes with a message for us… It would be fair to say that we all have our own favourite image or picture of God or Jesus. In the Old Testament God is described as wind, fire, a shepherd, a mighty rock and a shield, among others. In the gospels, Jesus spoke of...

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Advent Gospel Reflection for December 9th

Prepare a Way for the Lord in Advent God’s Messengers The Jewish People of the Old Testament had been promised that the Messiah, the Chosen One of God would come to deliver and save them from oppression and slavery. They were told through the Prophets, God’s messengers, that God would always be with them. Sadly...

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advent evening retreat

Gospel Reflection for December 2nd

‘Watch yourself… stay awake’ Well, it’s that time of the year again; Advent. We will have already seen the many sights and sounds of Christmas around us these last few weeks. The shops are already fully decorated with Christmas trees and lights, various sizes of Santa Claus adorn every shop window and Christmas songs and...

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Gospel Reflection for the 25th November

Last Sunday, if we can remember, Jesus spoke to us about the ‘end times.’ Today, as a universal church, we celebrate the great Feast of Christ the King. This is the last Sunday of the current church year. Next Sunday we will begin a new church year with the First Sunday of Advent; our time...

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Gospel Reflection for the 18th November

Signs and Wonders… We may have read about or even seen people who walk up and down the streets carrying the sign, ‘the end of the world is near!’ This even happened at the time of Jesus. It seems that every age and generation has its fare share of ‘doomsday merchants.’ We see what is happening...

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Gospel Reflection 11th  November

God loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9.6) The Gospel this Sunday is a one of contrasts; a widow and the Scribes, the poor and the wealthy, the powerless and the powerful, humility and showing off to impress. It is no secret that Jesus and the Scribes or the Pharisees did not get on very...

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