Weekly Reflections
Gospel Reflection for 28th of October
Blind Bartimaeus calls out for help We have to be very careful not to simply assume that the ‘God’ of the Old Testament was angry, cruel and judgmental. The first reading this Sunday from the Prophet Jerimiah would suggest otherwise. This is a God who is personally and deeply concerned about his people. We are...
Gospel Reflection for 21st of October:
The Suffering Servant The first reading this Sunday is taken from the Prophet Isaiah. It is normally read on Good Friday during the Passion Liturgy. It is often called the ‘Suffering Servant.’ In it’s full version is describes the one who despite terrible suffering, abuse and betrayal remains loyal and faithful to God. By the...
Gospel Reflection for 14th October
The Rich Young Man In the gospels, there are many men and women that Jesus meets whose name we don’t know. In the gospel this Sunday, we meet one of them. Traditionally, we know three things about this person; he was rich, young and a man. How we know that he is young is not...
Gospel Reflection for 7th October 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jesus and the Young People In his three short years of his public activity and ministry Jesus went of out his way to seek out and find those who were ignored, rejected and often despised by others. He sat and ate with those others called sinners; he literally reached out to touch those who were...
Gospel Reflection for the Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Because of the advances in technology and social media, we know that we all live in a very fast moving and changing multi-religious and multi-cultural world. No matter where we live, we are surrounded by and living alongside people from all over the world. Each group has their own tradition, cultural, beliefs and religious practices....
Gospel Reflection for the Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Perhaps at times we would like to think that the first and very early followers of Jesus got on with each other all the time without any problems or disagreements; this would be a mistake! As they became more organised, certain of their members wanted to be in charge, in control and make all the...
Gospel Reflection for the Twenty Forth Sunday in Ordinary Time
When we were baptised, regardless of when or at what age, we were brought into the Family God and received the wonderful gift of faith. The faith we freely received was just a seed; it doesn’t grow and mature on it’s own. We have to nourish and nature it; we have to care for and...
Gospel Reflection for the Twenty Third Sunday of the Year
There has been in the past the idea that God in the Old Testament was cold, harsh, angry and judgemental; this is not the case. The first reading from the Prophet Isaiah says to us; ‘Courage! Do not be afraid. God is coming to save you. The eyes of the blind shall be opened, the...
Gospel Reflection for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
The first reading this Sunday is taken from the Old Testament; the Book of Deuteronomy. Moses, the great leader of the Israelites speaks to them and encourages them to keep the Law, the commandants which God had given them. These laws helped to guide and lead the people as they lived their lives as the...
Gospel Reflection for the Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time
The gospels for the last three Sundays have all been taken from the gospel of St. John. The message from each of have them have been about Jesus claiming to be the Bread which has come down from heaven and gives life. It all began with the multiplication of the loaves and the fishes. It...