Weekly Reflections
Gospel Reflection for the Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Every so often, when we read or hear pieces of the bible, we find it hard to understand what they mean for us. There is no such confusion or difficulty with the second reading this Sunday. It is taken from St. Pauls Letter to the Ephesians. Paul is trying to encourage and at the same...
Gospel Reflection for the Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
We read in the gospel last Sunday that the people wanted a sign from Jesus. The gospel ended with Jesus saying that he was the sign. The gospel ended with Jesus proclaiming that he was the Bread of Life and anyone who eats this bread would live forever. The gospel this Sunday begins with the...
Gospel Reflection the 18th Sunday of Ordinary Time
The gospels for the next few weeks draw our attention to Jesus The Bread of Life. Perhaps when we are in a hurry or hungry, we might be tempted to go to a fast food ‘restaurant.’ However, as we all know from experience, it’s nice while we are eating it, but it is not exactly...
Gospel Reflection for the Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
We all love a good meal. We look forward to any meal, specially if it is one that celebrates a special occasion or event. People gather, there is food and drink; there may be singing dancing; stories are told and memories are created. Meals bring people together. Meals, food and celebrating are a central theme...
Gospel Reflection for the Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
As we know from the gospels, there were always demands being made on Jesus and on his time. Many who were sick waited and queued so that he could lay his hands on them. He spoke to the crowds whenever and wherever he could; he spoke and taught in the synagogue and the Great Temple,...
Gospel Refection for the Fifteenth Sunday of the Year
There are many ‘Prophets’ that we hear about when read parts of the Old Testament. We are familiar with prophets such Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel. Miriam, the sister of Moses is also named as prophet of the Lord, as is Deborah. In the gospel of Luke, the elderly woman Anna is named as a prophet. These...
Gospel Reflection for the Fourteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
This Sunday’s gospel sees Jesus returning home, perhaps to see his family and take a break from teaching and healing people. But once he arrives, he goes to the local synagogue and begins teaching those were present. However, his neighbours do not exactly roll out the red carpet for him. Although they were astonished by...
Gospel Reflection for the Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
At the time of Jesus, to be sick in any way at all was seen as sign of punishment from God because the person was thought to be a sinner. To be a sick woman or widow made matters even worse for the person. They were ignored, despised and rejected by the community and perhaps...
Gospel Reflection for the Birth of John the Baptist
I’m sure that there has been many times when we have been asked by a friend or a family member to do something or to deliver a message for them. Today, as we celebrate the birth of John the Baptist, we are remembering someone who was called by God to deliver a message and a...
Gospel Reflection the 11th. Sunday of Ordinary Time
When Jesus spoke to people, he spoke to them in a way and language that they understood. He spoke to them about the natural world that they lived in. He told them that the kingdom was like a woman baking bread. He spoke to them about farming and harvests. He talked about fishing, water, light,...