Weekly Reflections
Gospel Reflection for the 22nd. In Ordinary Time
Suffering is a part of life. Each of us in our unique way experience pain and difficulties as we go about our daily living. It might be long-term unemployment, our own sickness or the ill health of someone we love. It might be a long standing broken relationship with a friend or family member....
Gospel Reflection for the 21st. Sunday of Ordinary Time
At the time of Jesus, he was not the only traveling preacher. There were others who had their own vision and ideas and they were all seeking people’s attention. They were all looking for followers and disciples. When it came to Jesus, there were all sorts of rumours about who he was and from...
Gospel Reflection for the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
When Jesus spoke in parables with authority, people listened to him and word of him spread throughout the countryside. When he healed and cured people, many others came to him with their own illness or brought the sick to him. In our gospel this Sunday Jesus encounters such person. Her daughter is seriously ill and...
Gospel Reflection for the 19th Sunday of Ordinary Time
When we look at the news on our televisions or read about it in our newspapers, we are sometimes overwhelmed by the amount of bad news that we see and read. There are so many countries being torn apart by civil war. Many are suffering because of years of famine; many more are dying...
Gospel Reflection – The Transfiguration of Jesus
Sometimes, without knowing it or even being aware of it, we can get locked into our own world and our particular situation. We can forget about or lose sight of the fact that we are part of a much bigger world. In the gospel for today’s feast Jesus takes some of his friends away from...
Gospel Reflection for the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Through last Sunday’s gospel, Jesus described the Kingdom of God in several different ways; the Kingdom of God is like a small mustard seed and the Kingdom of God is like yeast. This Sunday, Jesus continues to talk about and describe God’s Kingdom using more images and symbols. Jesus tells us that the Kingdom...
Gospel reflection for the 16th. Sunday in Ordinary Time
Last Sunday through our readings, we heard the message that the word of God is a seed that is sown in us. With God’s help, we are to nurture and nourish this seed so that it produces fruit and fruit that with last. This Sundays Gospel continues this theme and message. For us today who...
Gospel Reflection for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
When election campaigns begin we are generally bombarded with politicians looking for our time and our votes. We often hear phrases such as; you have my word on that, I give you my word and my word is my bond. This Sunday the first reading from the Prophet Isaiah speaks about the power of...
Gospel Reflection for the 14th Sunday of Ordinary Time
We don’t have look too far to see that there are so many people in our world today suffering. Every day there are countless victims of random and senseless acts of terrorism. Many are dying and suffering because of famine and drought. Sadly these situations are now a feature of our world today. But in...
Gospel Reflection for the 13th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Immediately after the tragic fire broke out in the Grenfell Tower Block in West London, there was an outpouring of generosity, sharing and compassion from the local community and from much further away. Christian Churches, Sikh Temples, Muslim Mosques and local community centres opened their doors and welcomed those survivors who had lost everything. Regardless...