Weekly Reflections
Gospel reflection for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Rumour and tradition tells us that the phrase do not be afraid appears in the bible 365 times! That’s one for every day of the year. Whether or not it actually does appear this many times in the bible, it still offers us hope, strength and courage when we are in doubt or struggling in...
Gospel reflection for the Feast of the Body and Blood of Jesus.
Any family event that is celebrated with a meal and a drink is a cause for great joy and happiness. Friends and relatives, some of whom we may not have seen for a long time gather around the table be fed, nourished and refreshed. Food is eaten, stories are told and memories are created. The...
Gospel reflection for Trinity Sunday
This feast is not the time to try and explain how three goes into one! The Trinity is not something that we can understand and figure out with our reasoning, intellect or with our brain. We most certainly won’t find the explanation to the Trinity by ‘googling’ it! The Trinity is a mystery that we...
Gospel Reflection for Pentecost Sunday
As we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost, the season of Easter reaches its final climax. This Sunday we celebrate and experience the powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the whole church and on all those who call themselves disciples and followers of the risen Lord. Last Sunday when we celebrated the Ascension of Jesus,...
Gospel Reflection for the Ascension of Jesus
As we mark and celebrate the Ascension of the Lord, the saying, ‘all good things come to an end’ never sounded more suitable and appropriate. Just before the passion and suffering of Jesus, his friends and followers saw him being betrayed, denied and condemned. They stood at a distance and watched him die a very...
Gospel Reflection for the 6th Sunday of Easter
Very soon we will be celebrating two important feasts in the Easter calendar; The Ascension of Jesus and Pentecost. Our readings today draw our attention to this and begin to point us that direction. Initially after the resurrection, the friends and followers of Jesus went in to hiding for fear of their lives. They had...
Gospel reflection for the 5th Sunday of Easter.
We live a time of twenty four hour news on our televisions. We are surrounded and even bombarded by countless magazines and newspapers every day. There is more news and information available to us through the internet that we can manage or cope with. The news and its headlines change from day to day. Yesterday’s...
Gospel Reflection for the 4th. Sunday of Easter
For many of us today who live in cities and housing estates, we don’t often see many shepherds herding their sheep to market! The language and images in the gospel can seem and bit strange to us today and may even be outside our experience altogether. In the gospel this Sunday, Jesus uses the image...
Gospel Reflection for the 3rd. Sunday of Easter
This Sunday we experience another appearance of the risen Lord to two of his friends and followers. These two disciples are walking to Emmaus. They are leaving Jerusalem and have their back to place where their dreams were shattered. They have just experienced the betrayal, denial, condemnation and death of their close friend, Jesus. As...
Gospel Refection for the 2nd Sunday of Easter
Poor Thomas! He is forever known as the one who would not believe that Jesus has risen unless he sees him with his own eyes and has concrete proof. And so he becomes ‘doubting Thomas.’ After his resurrection, Jesus continues appear to his friends and followers. Through his appearing to the men and women who...