Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate

Weekly Reflections

Gospel Reflection for Easter Sunday

We began our Lenten journey with Jesus on Ash Wednesday. We followed Jesus as we accepted his invitation to take up our cross and follow him. We were with Jesus as he entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. On Holy Thursday Jesus bent low and washed our feet. On Good Friday Jesus gave his life for...

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Gospel Reflection for Palm Sunday

The story which begins of Palm Sunday is basically a human drama; it is our drama. As Jesus enters into his final week, he takes humanity with him and continues to do so every Easter. We are not just remembering an historical event that happened over two thousand years ago. We celebrating and taking part...

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Gospel Reflection for the 5th Sunday of Lent.

The gospel which we read and hear this fifth Sunday of Lent is the gospel that was read at my father’s funeral five years ago. On that day, it put before us as a family the fact and reality of death, but it also offered us the hope and promise of eternal life. Surprisingly, when...

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Gospel Reflection for the 4th Sunday of Lent 2017

For those of us lucky and blest enough to have our sight, we can’t even begin to imagine what it must be like to live in a world of blindness and total darkness. At the time of Jesus, to be sick in any way was seen as a punishment from God. Those who were sick;...

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Gospel Reflection for the 3rd. Sunday of Lent 2017

This Sunday we meet this great unnamed and unsung hero of the gospels. She is simply and traditionally known as The Woman at the Well. Initially, there is nothing unusual or strange about this woman going to the well for water. However, with a closer reading, everything does in fact not seem to be normal....

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Gospel Reflection for the 2nd. Sunday of Lent

In our gospel this Sunday, Jesus brings his disciples away from the noise and business of the market place and takes them up a mountain. This is not unusual in itself. We know from the gospels that Jesus himself often went to the mountain top to pray on his own. While they are on the...

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Gospel Refection for the 1st Sunday of Lent 2017

We begin our Lenten journey with Jesus in the desert. As he fasts and prays for forty days and nights, he is tempted. He is tempted to satisfy himself, to make himself happy, to rely on his own strength and to ignore the power and presence of God in his life. But realising where his...

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Ash Wednesday

Lets’ be honest, we all prefer Advent to Lent! There is a very specific atmosphere and feeling that Advent creates. The lights, sounds and symbols of Advent leading to Christmas fill us with joy and happiness. Lent on the other hand, at first, seems to generate and create the very opposite. Lent lasts for close...

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Gospel Reflection for the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Whether we realise it or not, we are constantly surrounded by the media and advertisements.   As soon as we leave our house, we are bombarded by posters on the sides of buses, and in shops that we walk past. These advertisements are telling us what to eat, what to drink, what to wear and what...

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Gospel Reflection for the 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time

  A song I once heard said, ‘that nothing comes from violence and nothing ever will’. All we have to do is look at the evening news on our television to see countries and sadly different religious nations at war with each other. When one side is attacked and bombed, the other side immediately strike...

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