Weekly Reflections
Gospel Reflection for the Epiphany of the Lord
In the Book of Genesis, we hear these words dramatic words from God, ‘Let there be light.’ (1.3). In John’s gospel, Jesus describes himself with these equally profound words, ‘I am the light of the world.’ (8.12). Today we celebrate the great festival of light, the Epiphany of the Lord. As the church, we remember...
Gospel Reflection for 1st January – World Day of Peace
In ancient times, the Romans had a god for everything and every occasion. One of their gods was called Janus. Janus was a two-headed or two faced god. One face looked back to the past and the other looked forward to the future. Janus gave his name to our month January. So as we celebrate...
Gospel Reflection for Christmas Day
The shopping is done, all the presents are bought and wrapped, the house is clean and the tree with all its decoration is shining brightly. So what has all this hectic busyness been about? When we have a birthday in our own family, what do we do? We gather around the person whose birthday it...
Gospel Reflection for December 18th
This is the last Sunday of Advent. Our time of preparation is almost over. Despite what the media, the shops and all the adverts tell us, it is still not Christmas! Let us hear the words from last Sundays second readings again, ‘be patient, until the Lord’s coming. Think of farmers, how patiently they wait...
Gospel Reflection December 11th
This Sunday is called Gaudete Sunday or the Sunday to Rejoice. This weekend we light the pink or rose coloured candle on our Advent Wreath. The opening antiphon this Sunday encourages us with these words of hope, ‘rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice. Indeed, the Lord is near.’ The first reading from...
Gospel Reflection for December 4th.
At the time of Jesus, people knew where to go to experience and hear the Word of God; the Temple in Jerusalem. This had been the place of Divine Revelation for centuries; from where else would God the Almighty speak? The Scribes and the Pharisees were the ones who knew the ancient scriptures. They knew...
Gospel Reflection 27th November
This Sunday we start the new church year; the beginning of the season Advent. Before Halloween ended the ghosts and witches were taken down in the shops and the Christmas decorations went up. The Christmas rush stared weeks ago. Over the next four weeks we will be surrounded by all the signs, sounds and symbols...
Gospel Reflection for 20th November 2016
There was a time when most countries in the world were ruled over by a king or a queen. When these died, their children inherited their thrones and the royal family line continued. Today, however, there are very few countries where kings or queens rule their country by divine right. At the time of Jesus,...
Gospel Reflection for 13th November
The end of the current liturgical year is almost here. Next Sunday we will celebrate the Feast of Christ the King and after that the season Advent begins. In the gospel this Sunday a group stand in the Temple admiring its fine art work and beautiful architecture. Never one to temper his words, Jesus interrupts...
Gospel Reflection for November 6th
We are very familiar with Jesus confronting and challenging the Pharisees and Scribes. In the Gospel this Sunday he is facing another powerful religious and legal group; the Sadducees. This group of strict Jewish leaders did not believe in the resurrection of the body and so to trick and trap Jesus they create an exaggerated...