Weekly Reflections
Gospel Reflection for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
We all know people who seem to be busy and active all the time. We also know those who have the habit of letting others do all the work. Neither extreme is good for us. We can’t be busy all the time and neither can we sit back and let others do all the work....
Gospel Reflection – 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
The gospel this Sunday is the parable of the ‘Good Samaritan’. Of all the parables, this is one of the most well-known. However, because we have heard it so many times, we might be tempted to read and hear it too quickly and therefore miss what it means for us today. The man who questions...
Gospel Reflection for the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
It often happens that when we tell another person something that has happened to us, we are not believed. We share an experience in good faith, hoping to be listened to and believed, but the opposite happens. This can upset and even anger us. In the gospel this Sunday, as Jesus sends out his disciples,...
Gospel Reflection for the Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
In last Sunday’s gospel, Jesus told his disciples and us that was going to be put to death and to be raised on the third day. In the gospel for this Sunday, this is made very clear again, as Jesus resolutely took the road to Jerusalem, the place of his passion and resurrection. But even...
Gospel Reflection for the Twelfth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Today we are surrounded by celebrities. There is no end to the amount of ‘reality’ programmes on television. Our newsagents are full of magazines telling us about where they live, how much they’re worth and far too information about their lives. But it is far from real. Celebrities change their look and style far too...
Gospel Reflection for the Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jesus loved a good meal and ate with anyone who invited and welcomed him to their table. This is the setting for this Sunday’s gospel. While eating with the Pharisees, a woman silently enters the room. She washed Jesus’ feet with her tears and anointed his feet with oil. This took great courage. Given her...
Gospel Reflection for 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Gospel of Luke is often called ‘The Women’s Gospel’, and for good reason. There are more encounters with Jesus and women in Luke than in any of the other gospels. Beginning with Mary and Elizabeth, Jesus cured Peter’s mother-in law, he healed the woman who had been suffering with a haemorrhage for twelve years,...
Gospel Reflection for the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ
In the gospels there are plenty of times when Jesus is with people eating and drinking and today’s gospel is no exception. As always, Jesus is concerned with people and their real needs. They are hungry, so he feeds them. He is gracious in his abundant giving. But he feeds them not only with food;...
Gospel Reflection for Trinity Sunday
There is no end to the topics and things that we can now ‘Google’ on the internet. However, the Trinity is not one of them! No matter how hard we try, we will never fully understand this deep mystery. And although we can’t even begin to get hold of or grasp the fullness of the...
Gospel Reflection for Pentecost Sunday
If ever there was a line of poetry that captures the energy and power of Pentecost Sunday, it is this line from Gerard Manley Hopkins poem, ‘God’s Grandeur,’ ‘the world is charged with the splendour of God’. The Resurrection of Jesus reaches its powerful climax with an out pouring of life, light and energy for...