Weekly Reflections
Gospel Reflection for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
No doubt we are all familiar with the phrase money is the root of all evil. However, this is not correct. In 1 Timothy 6.10, the phrase is actually the love of money is the root of all evil! There is nothing g wrong with money itself. It is how we use, misuse or abuse...
Gospel Reflection for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
We all know how upsetting and frustrating it is to lose something; car keys or our mobile phone. We search and look for them until we find them and there is a sense of relief and even joy when we find them. We might even go and tell others we have found what we had...
Gospel Reflection for the 23rd. Sunday in Ordinary Time
None of us take a long trip without preparing and planning ahead. We make sure we have a map and directions for the journey ahead. We work out how much it will cost us and we sit down to see what’s involved in the journey ahead. We do our best to be prepared for any...
Gospel Reflection for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
If we go to the cinema or theatre, we are often asked if want VIP or premier seats and if we do want to sit in the most comfortable seats, it will cost us extra. Wealthy people, those who consider themselves to be celebrities and famous never sit at the back. They always sit where...
Gospel Reflection for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Today in our modern society of iphones, emails and the internet, a lot celebrities claim to have millions of followers and friends. It is very easy to be an electronic follower or friend of a person you have never met. Following Jesus is not as easy as this. He invites us to be his friend...
Gospel Reflection for the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Often the images we have of Jesus are very pleasant and nice; Jesus and the children, Jesus the good shepherd carrying a wounded lamb or Jesus who is teaching or healing. There is nothing wrong with these at all. However, the Jesus we meet in this Sunday’s gospel is very far removed from the nice...
Gospel Reflection for the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
We have all had the experience of inviting our friends or relatives to our house for a meal. Once we invite them we begin to prepare for their arrival. We don’t leave everything until the last minute. There is the sense of excitement and anticipation as we look forward to them arriving and enjoying their...
Gospel Reflection for the 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
We all know that as soon as we turn on our televisions and open our newspapers, there are plenty of advertisements trying to sell us things. How many ads for new phones, new cars, and more food do we see each day? At times it can feel as if we are living in a very...
Gospel Reflection for 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
While it may sound like stating the obvious, any relationship needs communication if it is to grow and develop. I not only need to speak to the other person, I also need to take time to listen to what the other person has to say to me. This communication takes patience and perseverance. Jesus understood...
Gospel Reflection for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
We all know people who seem to be busy and active all the time. We also know those who have the habit of letting others do all the work. Neither extreme is good for us. We can’t be busy all the time and neither can we sit back and let others do all the work....