Weekly Reflections
Gospel Reflection for the 6th Sunday of Easter
Having experienced the pain and sorrow of the crucifixion, then the joy and new life of the resurrection, the followers of Jesus now have to face the reality of the Risen Lord’s departure – again. He senses their confusion, pain and sense of loss. But before he leaves them, he gives those two parting gifts;...
Gospel Reflection for the 5th Sunday of Easter
Since time began writers, poet and singers have used the word love in so many different ways to get their work and message noticed, some when more success than others! And as is often the case, the more a we hear a word or use it, the less power it has. Words used properly can...
Gospel Reflections for 4th Sunday of Easter
What does Jesus give us through the resurrection? The simple yet profound answer is found in today’s gospel: ‘My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life.’ Through the power of the resurrection, Jesus shares with us what the Father shared with him; he gives us what...
Gospel Reflection for the 3rd. Sunday of Easter
From our gospel this Sunday, it seems that after the apparent disaster that was the crucifixion and death of Jesus that his and friends and followers returned to their old way of life and what they knew best; fishing! However, through the power of the resurrection nothing can ever be the same again. What begins...
Gospel Reflections for 2nd Sunday of Easter
Poor Thomas! Since this amazing event took place, Thomas has been renamed ‘doubting Thomas!’ And maybe we too quickly dismiss him for this doubting and apparent lack of faith. But on the other hand, he is really a very good role model for all us for genuine seeing and believing. Our faith and believing ultimately...
Gospel Reflection for Easter Sunday
Our journey through Lent is over, we have removed our purple cloths, we have decorated our churches and altars with flowers and we can now sing our Gloria and Alleluia with joy and celebration. The Lord is risen! The Easter gospel names three people: Mary Magdalene, Peter and the ‘disciple who Jesus loved.’ By not...
Gospel reflection for Palm Sunday
As we celebrate Palm Sunday, our Lenten Pilgrimage takes a great dramatic turn. Jesus enters Jerusalem with his friends in high spirits and full of hope and the crowd on his side as they welcome with shouts of joy, ‘Hosanna in the highest, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord’. This...
Gospel Reflection for the 5th Sunday of Lent
The gospel called ‘The woman caught in adultery’ is one of the most powerful encounters anyone has with Jesus. The men drag this woman along the streets and throw her at the feet of Jesus. Can we even imagine how they have made her feel? How afraid, fragile and vulnerable is she? All she sees...
Gospel Reflection for the 4th Sunday of Lent
When this gospel comes around every three years, there is the temptation to read and pray it too quickly because we are overly familiar with it; son leaves home, squanders his money, goes back home and his forgiven by loving parent. But there is so much more to it than this. This is a story...
Gospel reflection for the 3rd Sunday of Lent
In our dealings and encounters with other people, we are often quick to dismiss them or even write them often when they don’t meet our standards or expectations. Thankfully this is not how God treats us. Just as God is love, so also God is patient. Time and time again, God offers us the opportunity...