Gospel Reflection for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time. October 1st. – Actions speak louder..
There is no question about it, but Jesus was a great storyteller. Whenever he could, he would tell the people a parable. A parable is story with the wrong ending! We have to read it several times before we can figure out what it is really about. A parable is a story that is like a mirror that Jesus holds up to us and in which we can see ourselves. The gospel for this Sunday contains such a parable.
A man had two sons. He asked the first son to go to the field to work. He refused to do what was asked of him. But afterwards he had a change of heart and went to work as he was asked. When the father asked the second son to go to the field, he said that he would do, but he did the very opposite, he did not go the field. Jesus then turned to the chief priest and the elders and asked them which one of the sons did his father’s will. They all agreed; the first son.
This gospel is about is hypocrisy; saying one thing and then doing the other. Now I don’t want to be unkind or too critical of politicians. However, when there is a general or local election, they do promise to do so much for us. However, once elected they realise that it is easier to talk than to do!
But this parable is meant for each of us today. This gospel is held up to us so that we can look at our own lives. It puts before us some very challenging questions; when I am asked to do something, do I say yes and then do the very opposite? How do I behave and act? Do the words I speak match what I do and how I treat others? These are difficult questions that Jesus to puts to each of us through this parable.
The faith we believe in our hearts and proclaim with our lips has to seen and visible through the work of our hands and the quality of our daily lives. As St. James reminds us in the New Testament; ‘what use is it saying to someone, ‘I wish you well; keep warm and eat plenty,’ without giving them the bare necessities of life? Faith without good works is dead.’
The old saying ‘actions speak louder than words’ is very appropriate for this gospel. I can say that I am going to help another person who is need of my help and support, but if I don’t actually do anything, what good have done?
St. Francis of Assisi is believed to have said, we will have to use every means possible to proclaim the good news of the gospel and if we have to, we will have to us words.
This coming week, may we have the courage to ask God to help us to put our faith into real concrete action. May we not be like second son in the gospel who said one thing and then did the very opposite.
- Michael Moore OMI
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