Gospel Reflection for the 3rd. Sunday of Lent 2017 March 19th – The Woman at the Well
This Sunday we meet this great unnamed and unsung hero of the gospels. She is simply and traditionally known as The Woman at the Well.
Initially, there is nothing unusual or strange about this woman going to the well for water. However, with a closer reading, everything does in fact not seem to be normal. At the time of Jesus, women went to well before sunrise when it was cool and they went as a group for safety and protection. This woman however, does the opposite. She goes to the well at the hottest time of the day on her own. Whatever the reasons, this woman is neither liked nor welcome in her own village; she is an outsider. And she is also a Samaritan. Jews and Samaritans were long-time enemies for cultural and religious reasons.
Yet, it is with this nameless woman who is an outsider at all levels, that Jesus begins a conversation with the simple request for a drink of water. And this is the longest recorded conversation that Jesus has with anyone in the four gospels. Initially the woman is taken by surprise that a Jewish man would speak to a Samaritan woman in public. But Jesus continues his conversation with her and takes it to another level altogether. What begins as a simple request for water turns into much deeper sharing about the woman’s life and her spiritual needs. Eventually, Jesus tells her clearly who he is; the Messiah. Leaving her bucket at the well, she returns to her village bursting with good new and tells everyone whom she has met and experienced. And, we are told that many people believed in Jesus because of this woman. She became a missionary disciple.
For us today, this woman is a wonderful role model and example of what is means to be disciple of Jesus. When we come gather to celebrate mass with each other, whether during the week or on Sunday, we are drawn like the woman who came to the well. We too long be fed, nourished and to have our thirst quenched by Jesus. Through the Liturgy of The Word, Jesus speaks to us just as he spoke to this woman. As he offered her the water of eternal life, Jesus offers us the bread of life. But it does not end there for us. Just as the woman left the well changed and renewed, so too we are called to leave the church as she did; as a missionary disciple. This woman did not stay at the well and we cannot stay in the church!
We are called to leave the table of Lord and share with those we meet all that we have seen, heard and experienced just as she did. More importantly, through the quality of our daily lives, we are to let others know whom we have meet when gather to celebrate the Eucharist; the Messiah.
As we continue our journey through Lent, may we follow this great woman’s example by being missionary disciples of Jesus. May we to share the good news of our faith with all those we know and meet.
- Michael Moore OMI
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