Gospel Reflection for the 3rd. Sunday of Easter 15th. April – ‘Peace be with you’
Jesus continues to appear to his friends and followers. We can only imagine that they are still trying to get over the shock and disappointment of seeing him die on the cross. Now they are also trying to come to terms with the rumours they are hearing from others that Jesus has risen for the dead and is in fact alive again.
Once again, Jesus appears to them. This time he appears to them and greets them with the great prayer, ‘Peace be with you.’ But they are overcome with fear and panic. Jesus notices this and clearly names it when he asks, ‘Why are so agitated, and why are these doubts rising in your hearts?’ In fairness, they have every right to be agitated and full of doubt. Only a few days before they had seen their master and close friend betrayed, denied, condemned beaten, crucified and buried. Now here he is standing before them and speaking very clearly to them!
In our own daily lives we too can become agitated and our hearts can become full of doubt. Often we can experience painful moments and experiences that feel as if they are overwhelming us and getting the better of us. Perhaps we are overcome with doubt and feel unsure what to do or to whom to turn. At times and moments like this it can feel if we are losing control or even worse or faith. However, it is exactly at these times, that Jesus stand with us and tenderly says, ‘Peace be with you!’ Why are you so agitated and why are these doubts rising in your heart?’
At the end of Matthew’s gospel, Jesus make this great promise to each of us; ‘… know that I am with you always; yes, to the end of time.’ (Mtt. 28.20). No matter what we are experiencing or struggling with, we are never or our own. Jesus is always with to encourage, support and protect us. Jesus does not save us from our pain and difficulties; he is with us and saves us through our pain and difficulties. It is in and through our ordinary daily lives that we experience the loving presence of Jesus. Jesus stands with us everyday just as he stood with his friends and followers after they had experienced his crucifixion. By being raised from the dead, he brought them the new life, joy and hope of the resurrection. The same risen Lord offers each of the same new life, joy and hope.
Jesus offers each us of the gift of peace. We are not meant to keep this life-giving peace to ourselves. We are called and asked to share it with each other in our homes with our families and with our neighbours in our communities. As we celebrate the season of Easter, we are not only meant to receive the gift of peace, we are meant to be people of peace.
As we offer each other the sign of peace today to each other, may we also do whatever we can, not matter how small or insignificant it may feel to be people of peace though what we say, what we do and how we treat each other. Peace be with you!
- Michael Moore OMI
Prayer Intentions
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