Gospel Reflection for the Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 12th. August – Jesus: Food for the Journey
We read in the gospel last Sunday that the people wanted a sign from Jesus. The gospel ended with Jesus saying that he was the sign. The gospel ended with Jesus proclaiming that he was the Bread of Life and anyone who eats this bread would live forever. The gospel this Sunday begins with the Jewish people complaining about Jesus because he claims to be the bread which come down from heaven.
The first reading this Sunday from the Book of Kings is closely linked to the gospel. The Prophet Elijah went into the desert. Tired and hot from the journey, he sits down under a tree. He is so weary and fed up that from the journey that he prays, ‘Lord, I have had enough. Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors.’ Then he promptly falls asleep. However, God who called him will not abandon him. God restored Elijah’s hope and strength with bread and water provided by an angel. God did not ask Elijah to undertake the journey to his holy mountain without providing food and nourishment for him. Today, the same God who called Elijah and strengthened him, calls each of us today and nourishes with bread; the Bread of Life that is Jesus Christ.
Those who are listening to Jesus in the gospel simply cannot accept or believe what he is saying to them. By quoting the ancient scriptures from Isaiah, ‘….to hear the teaching of the father, and learn from it, is to come to me,’ he is really challenging them. Jesus hears their complaining and inability to accept his teaching, but rather than back down by saying this, Jesus is placing himself on par with God or even equating himself with God.
The call and invitation to follow Jesus is not an easy one. Nowhere does he say, ‘Come follow me and you will have an easy life.’ In fact he says the very opposite, ‘take up your cross and follow me.’ He goes further when he says that those who follow will him experience hardships and will even be persecuted because of his name.
Elijah was called to climb the mountain of the Lord. He ran out of energy and enthusiasm on this long journey. God did not forget or abandon him. He found strength for the journey through the bread and water provided by the angel.
In our own lives today, we know that each of us experience pain, hardships and struggles on our journey through life. We are never alone. God will not forget or abandon us. Through Jesus the Bread of life, we too are strengthened and sustained for the long journey. Jesus is our Bread of Life, our Bread for the Journey. By sharing in and celebrating the Eucharist, we open our hearts and our lives to Jesus Christ. He walks behind us to protect us. He walks in front of us to lead us and he walks by our side to be our constant companion.
When we eat this bread and drink this cup, we proclaim your death, Lord Jesus, until you come again.
Michael Moore OMI
Prayer Intentions
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