Gospel Reflection for the Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time 1st. July – Reaching out in faith..
At the time of Jesus, to be sick in any way at all was seen as sign of punishment from God because the person was thought to be a sinner. To be a sick woman or widow made matters even worse for the person. They were ignored, despised and rejected by the community and perhaps even their own family. The sick; those who were lepers, blind, deaf or lame were pushed to the edge of society. However, as we know, these are very people Jesus spoke to, touched and befriended. One such person was the woman in the gospel this Sunday.
She had been sick for twelve years, she was in constant pain and had spent all her money on various treatments with no success; in fact she was getting worse. She was alone and desperate. However, all was not lost. The gospel tells us that she had heard about Jesus. She thought to herself, ‘he has cured and healed others, maybe he can heal me.’ So perhaps in a final act of desperation, she silently and secretly reaches out just to touch the very hem of his garment. As soon as she did this, her bleeding stopped and she was cured of her complaint. She may have been desperate and in pain, but she was not without faith and hope. Jesus turns asks who had just touched him. She steps forward unsure as to what he this man will do. With great love, warmth and compassion, he looks at her and calls her ‘daughter’. Jesus not only healed her, he restored her at all levels; physically, socially and spirituality. She is now only part of the community again, she is part of God’s family. Just as she reached out to Jesus, he turned reached out to her and embrace and made her whole again. Her sacred dignity which she had lost because she was sick has been restored through the love, mercy and compassion of Jesus.
We may never be as sick or as desperate at this woman, but there are times in each of our lives when we are desperate, struggling and wonder where and to whom to turn. Today this woman is put before as example of hopeful and courageous faith. In the end she did not rely on own her own strength; she reached out to Jesus, confident that she would be healed.
When are in painful and difficult situations, whatever they are, the worst thing we can do is try to get out of them on our own or by our own efforts. Jesus is right beside us just as he was with the woman. He is only an arm’s length away from.
Can we look to this great unnamed woman? Can we follow her faithful example? Can you and I simply reach out and touch the hem of Jesus’ garment. When we do, we will healed and restored. Jesus will look at us with the same tender love, mercy and compassion with which looked at woman who was desperate to be healed.
Michael Moore OMI
Prayer Intentions
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