Gospel Reflection for the Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time 26th. August – Lord, to whom shall we go?
The gospels for the last three Sundays have all been taken from the gospel of St. John. The message from each of have them have been about Jesus claiming to be the Bread which has come down from heaven and gives life. It all began with the multiplication of the loaves and the fishes. It ends today with crowd turning against him and nearly all his closest disciples leaving him because of this ‘hard’ teaching. Jesus claims that his flesh is real food and that his blood is real drink and that to consume them is to have eternal life. Jesus is firm in his own identity and in his message; he is not backing down or giving in. He is not going to change his teaching to be popular or to attract the crowds. Such is his confidence and belief in his teaching, that he evens asks his disciples if they too want to leave him because of his ‘hard’ teaching and message. Peter answers for them and for us today when says, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the message of eternal life and we believe that you are the Holy One of God.’ In other words; to leave Jesus is to turn ones back on life itself; a fulfilled life with meaning here and now and eternal life in the future. For Peter, and hopefully for ourselves, there is no other person or place to whom we might go. Like Peter and the disciples, we have been introduced to and offered a new way of life through the message and miracles of Jesus. We cannot turn our backs on him. Jesus is the Eternal Word and the Bread of Life that has come from heaven.
When there is an election of any kind, politicians often say and do things that they hope will attract the crowds and more votes. Every day we see, hear and read so many advertisements as they try to gain our attention and get our money. However, as we know what is fashionable, trendy and popular one day, is often gone the next. The Word of God that Jesus speaks is eternal and life-giving. It is not casual; it is permanent. It doesn’t and it won’t change according to our likes and dislikes It is alive and active. The message and life of Jesus are the light that brightens our life’s journey. They are the food that nourish and strengthen us when we are struggling. The message of Jesus is not some sort of warm comfort blanket that we use to protect ourselves from pain and life’s challenges. While we know that the Jesus’ words are eternal life, and that he has come down from heaven as the Bread of life, they can also be very challenging. The gospel does put demands on us. It challenges to be honest and authentic; both with ourselves, others and Jesus. Despite the challenges that come from being a follower of Jesus; we know that, in the end, Jesus is our Life, our Truth and our Way.
Jesus has promised us two things: that our life has meaning and that we are going to live forever. If you get a better offer, take it!
Michael Moore OMI
Prayer Intentions
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