Gospel Reflection for the Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 30th. September – We are all one in Christ…
Because of the advances in technology and social media, we know that we all live in a very fast moving and changing multi-religious and multi-cultural world. No matter where we live, we are surrounded by and living alongside people from all over the world. Each group has their own tradition, cultural, beliefs and religious practices. Some are very similar to our own; while on the other hand some are very different from our own native religious upbringing. Strange as it many seem, this was also how it was when Jesus was alive. Yes, there were the Jews with their long-standing traditions. Also throughout the whole Israel and within Jerusalem where Jesus lived, walked and preached, there were many different tribes, religious groups and factions. The Romans also had their own temples, god and religious tradition. Some Jews were very attracted to these too.
Perhaps when were are young, we remember the sayings, ‘don’t tell tales out of school’ or ‘nobody likes tell-tales.’ But from the gospel this Sunday, this seems to be exactly what the disciples are doing. In their continuing streak of small mindedness and misunderstanding, the disciples come to Jesus with some news. It’s as if they are beating someone with idle gossip; there are even hints of jealousy and anger in their words. They say to him ‘Lord, we saw someone doing something in your name, but he’s not in our group so we stopped him.’ Jesus replies and seems to say; ‘So what’! ‘Anyone who is not against us is for us.’ Jesus says that to experience kindness and generosity through the small gesture of receiving a cup of water is a sign of God’s Kingdom. Jesus is not asking them or us today to imitate or initiate great events of change, reform or take on high-profile actions for the sake of God’s Kingdom. He is asking us to be his disciples by taking on small and seemingly insignificant acts of kindness, generosity and hospitality that mirror God’s love for all.
It’s all to easy for us to dismiss and ignore people because they are different from us because of their religious, national or cultural background. It’s easy to notice and name how different we are rather than what makes us similar and brings us together. For some, it’s easier to build a wall that separates people rather than to take the risk of building a bridge and reach out those who at first might seem like strangers.
We build the Kingdom of God one step at a time; one smile at a time and through one act of kindness at a time. We are all called to do this and with God’s help and we can all do this. Pope Francis in his most recent letter to us tells us; The holiness to which the Lord calls us will grow through small acts and gestures. Who knows, it might even start with receiving and welcoming cup a water from a stranger!
Michael Moore OMI
Prayer Intentions
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