Sunday June 28th 2020: Read Br Michael’s Gospel Reflection The 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time
The challenge of being a follower of Jesus
I share the following simply and honestly. I find it very easy to call myself a follower of Jesus when everything is going well for me. In short, when I am in control and can control what happens to me and around me, as best I can. However, the real cost of being a disciple of Jesus comes when it is demanding and challenging. At times like this I am shaken from my complacency and casualness. When this happens I am called to recommit myself to my prayer, Christian living and my friendship with Jesus.
The gospel today does not make for easy reading or listening! Jesus is very clear and even demanding in what he says to those who were with him and more importantly to each of us today. He says, ‘anyone who prefers their father or mother is not worthy of me. Anyone who prefers their son or daughter is not worthy of me.’ What could Jesus possibly mean by these words? Why would he suggest that we decide between our family and him?
When Matthew was writing his gospel, the early Christians were being persecuted by both religious and civil authorities. To freely decide to follow Jesus was a very radical and even dangerous thing to do. It was not a decision that was taken lightly. Some members of a family decided to become followers of Jesus; others didn’t. This caused great division within families and communities as they were split and separated from each other because of religious beliefs. When Jesus said ‘come follow me’, he never said it was going to be easy!
It is unlikely that any of us are going to be persecuted for being Christian. However, let us not forget that there are in fact many people in our world today who are being persecuted and killed for following Jesus. There are many in countries such as Egypt, India, Iran and Turkey, to name but a few who lives are in danger for believing in and following Jesus. However, for those of us who live with religious freedom, we face no such dangers; we are free to practise our religion or not.
It has been said that once you encounter and experience Jesus in your daily life, you are never the same! To encounter Jesus demands a choice: to accept him or reject him – the choice is ours. Jesus freely calls and invites us to follow him and then he waits. He can never make us follow him and he never will. This is our free decision. We think of the Rich Young Man. Jesus asked him to become one of his followers, but he simply couldn’t and Jesus let him go.
Today in our modern world and society we are surrounded and even bombarded by all sorts of messages, voices and ideas. They are all asking for our attention; they are all looking for our commitment. To whose voice are we attracted and listening? Once Jesus asked his closest friends if they wanted to leave him. Peter replied, ‘Lord, to whom would we go, you have the message of eternal life.’
Perhaps these recent months have challenged our faith and belief in Jesus. Maybe today is a time to gently recommit ourselves to following Jesus who is our Way, our Truth and our Life – this day and every day of our lives.
– Br Michael Moore OMI
Gospel for Sunday June 28th |
Matthew 10:37-42 © |
Anyone who loses his life for my sake will find it
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