Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate

morning prayer

Morning Prayer with the Oblate Family: May 25th

Good morning friends, we invite you to join Mary Tyrrell of the Oblate Partners in Mission Team for our morning prayer.   Today’s reading, on the Feast of Saint Bede, is from the Gospel of John, where Jesus tells his disciples that “when the spirit of truth comes, he will lead you to the complete...

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Morning prayer may 24th

Morning Prayer with the Oblate Family: May 24th

Good morning friends, we invite you to join Gerard Bennett of the Oblate Lourdes Pilgrimage Team for our morning prayer. On Thursday, Gerard will travel to Poland with a small group from this province to take part in the 2nd OLAC 2022 and to join with other Oblate lay delegates from around Europe as we...

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Morning Prayer with the Oblate Family: May 23rd

Good morning friends, we invite you to join Kirk Jacob in London for our morning prayer.   Today’s reading is from the Acts of the Apostles, which recalls the time when Lydia is converted to the faith. During this special time of prayer today, we are all invited to join together in praying for the...

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Morning Prayer with the Oblate Family: May 22nd

Good morning friends, we invite you to join Pauline Thomas in Wales for our morning prayer. Today’s reading is from the Gospel of John, where Jesus tells his disciples that if anyone love him then they will keep his word, and God the Father will love him. During this special time of prayer today, we...

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Morning Prayer with the Oblate Family: May 19th

Good morning friends, we invite you to join Alexa Davies in Kew Gardens, London, for our morning prayer. Today’s reading is from the Gospel of John, where Jesus tells his disciples that he loves his followers just as the Father loves him, and that to remain in his love we must follow his commandments. “I...

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Morning Prayer with the Oblate Family: May 18th

Good morning friends, we invite you to join Alexa Davies in Kew Gardens, London, for our morning prayer. Today’s reading is from the Gospel of John, where Jesus tells his disciples that he is the true vine, and that God the Father is the vinegrower, who takes away every branch in us that does not...

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Morning Prayer with the Oblate Family: May 17th

Good morning friends, we invite you to join Theresa Codd in Birkenhead for our morning prayer. Today’s reading is from the Gospel of John, where Jesus tells us not to have worried hearts, but to have peace – a peace that only he can give us. Thank you for joining us today.

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Morning Prayer with the Oblates, May 13th

Friends, we invite you to join Christine Hunt, from Anglesey, Wales, for morning prayer. Today’s reading is from John’s Gospel. “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Thank you for joining us this morning.

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Morning Prayer with the Oblates, May 12th

Friends, we invite you to join Christine Hunt, from Holyhead, Wales, for morning prayer. Today’s reading is from John’s Gospel. “Very truly I tell you, whoever receives one whom I send, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives him who sent me.” Thank you for joining us this morning.

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Morning Prayer with the Oblates, May 11th

Friends, we invite you to join Mary Ryan, of the Sacred Heart parish in London, for morning prayer. Today’s reading is from John’s Gospel. In it, Jesus is talking to the Jews at the time of the Feast of Dedication. Jesus declares again that he is the Son of God and that he and the...

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