Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate

sunday reflection

Sunday Gospel Reflection for 26th Sunday of the Year September 25th

If you felt that Luke, in his Gospel, seems to have a strong dislike for wealth and ‘rich men’, you would not be too far wrong! For the second week in a row Luke begins with, “…there was a rich man who…” and for the second week in a row the ‘rich man’ is presented...

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Sunday Gospel Reflection for 25th Sunday of the Year September 18th

‘Multi-tasking’ was a buzz word a number of years ago. It became for a while a kind of badge of honour for the young. They could multi-task and the rest of the population were stuck in a single-track brain function which, the young claimed, made life exceedingly dull and boring. Teenagers swore they could study,...

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Sunday Gospel Reflection for 24th Sunday of the Year September 11th

Quite a number of years ago I was working in a boys Boarding/Day School in Australia. Each Sunday I celebrated Mass for the boarding community, which, as it happened, had quite a few boys from sheep farming families, living on ‘stations’ and farming huge swaths of land. I well remember one Sunday finding myself facing...

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