Oblate News
An Update from Oblate Provincial, Fr Oliver Barry OMI As we approach the Easter Triduum

An Update from Oblate Provincial, Fr Oliver Barry OMI
As we enter the Triduum of Holy Week we do so with a mind and heart that we have not known before.
We do not have the ceremonies that we have cherished all our lives. However the reality of Holy Week has become ever more real. We enter into the mystery of Christ’s Passion, Death and Resurrection knowing the fragility and the preciousness of our own lives and those we love. We share this reality with every person on the globe. Can we journey through these days with the mind of Christ opening ourselves to Passion, Death and ultimately the Resurrection?
Sadly over these days we have lost Tony Carroll, Tom Scully and John Murphy. Others have been ill and we are all experiencing the trials of isolation and the restrictions that are necessary in the present circumstances. Our Faith reminds us that
“In him who rose from the dead our hope of Resurrection dawned. The sadness of death gives way to the bright promise of immortality”.
For us the experience of this Holy Week is more real than ever.
During these days we discover more about ourselves, we discover our weaknesses and more importantly our strengths. We likewise come to see the other person in a different light. For the weaknesses whether in ourselves or in others let us have compassion and understanding. The experience of Isolation brings us into relationship with ourselves in a new and challenging way. What we discover may be “the pearl of Great Price” who I really am, who the other really is. Let us work from our strengths. We each have the capacity to do what is needed, whether that is to self-isolate or to take care of another. Our strengths are different. This is the time to appreciate the strength of one another and help one another to find that strength in themselves. Although this time of isolation presents its challenges it does not stop us from being fully alive. I am reminded of Christ’s words “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John 10: 10.
During this Holy week may he hear these words and experience them as the words of Christ for us.
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