Caring for Creation – our Common Home (JPIC)
The Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) Commission has taken the initiative of once more highlighting the message of The Pope’s Encyclical on Caring for our Common Home, Laudato Sí, just short of its 10th anniversary of publication. Following on from a successful workshop at Inchicore a similar workshop was held at St Joseph’s...

A Chat with Bishop Edwin Regan: Part One on the Joy of Creation #jpic
A Chat with Bishop Edwin #jpic Part One on the Joy of Creation “Joy is contagious is a very good disease to have! The only way we can spread joy is to be joyful ourselves.” We welcome Bishop Edwin Regan who, for 17 years, was the Bishop of Wrexham in North Wales, and we look...

JPIC – Chat with Fr Tom McCabe of Oblate Mission Development
Fr. Tom McCabe is Director of the Oblate Mission Development Office in Inchicore. His ministry is at the heart of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation. Tom supports the work of missionaries in the poorer part of the world by working with them to identify various development projects for which Irish Government funding could be...

JPIC – Chat with Aisling in the Community Gardens, Inchicore
Aisling O’Connor is part of the Oblate House of Retreat community in Inchicore. Bringing new life to the gardens and grounds ever since she started working with us, the community very much appreciate Aisling’s commitment and contribution. During the Covid-19 pandemic everyone was restricted in their movements. Right throughout lockdown and restrictions, we appreciated the...

Oblates Chat with Jane Mellet of Trócaire about Laudato Si’ #jpic
Jane Mellet works as the Laudato Si’ Officer with Trocaire (the overseas development agency of the Catholic Church in Ireland) and the Laudato Si’ Movement. Her role involves promoting Pope Francis’ encyclical, On Care for Our Common Home, with grassroots faith communities in Ireland. How can faith groups engage in climate actions and respond to...

Episode 3 #JPIC with Seamus Finn OMI
Fr. Séamus brings a long history of active efforts to shape “faith consistent investment policies and practice”. As director of the Oblates’ United States Province Office of Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation, he coordinates their advocacy work on behalf of marginalized peoples and communities living in poverty; the priorities are “accompanying those in need”...

Fr Michael Rodgers on Celtic Spirituality (JPIC)
Welcome to our second JPIC video, part of our focus on Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation. Today, we hear from Fr Michael Rodgers, who talks about Celtic spirituality. Fr. Michael Rodgers is a Kiltegan missionary priest, who has lived in Glendalough for the past 30 years. Prior to that, he worked in Kenya for...