Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate


Morning Prayer with the Oblates: Friday August 27th

We join Fr Johnson in London for morning prayer. Today is the feast of Saint Monica, patron saint of mothers, wives and women. Monica is the mother of Saint Augustine. It is said that she gave birth to Saint Augustine twice, through her pain, tears, and prayers for her wayward son, she obtained a rebirth...

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prayer august 26th

Morning Prayer with the Oblates: Thursday August 26th

Good morning, we join Angela McCullough in London for our morning prayer on Thursday August 26th. In today’s scripture, Jesus tells his disciples to stay awake and be ready for his return. Are we awake? Is our house in order? Are we ready to receive the Lord? Jesus promises that he will return one day....

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prayer august 25th

Morning Prayer with the Oblates: Wednesday August 25th

Good morning, we join Fr Michael Brady OMI in Dublin, on the banks of the river Liffey, for our morning prayer on Wednesday August 25th. Today’s gospel Jesus speaks strong words to the Pharisees – he says they are hypocrites. They outwardly seem like very holy and faithful people, yet, they do not practice what...

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morning prayer august 24th

Morning Prayer with the Oblates: Tuesday August 24th

Good morning, we join Fr Michael Brady OMI in Dublin, on the banks of the river Liffey, for our morning prayer on Tuesday August 23rd. In today’s readings, we hear about how Nathanael was called by Phillip who said to him “Come and see” Jesus of Nazareth – he invited Nathanael (also known as Saint...

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monday prayer august 23rd

Morning Prayer with the Oblates: Monday August 23rd

A Monday Morning Reflection: “Let them sing for joy from their couches.” – Psalm 149 What does this line of the Psalm say to you? Caroline reflects on what this means to her. It is Monday morning. Many of us will be dashing to work, or dropping off children to school or relatives. The morning...

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prayer august 22nd

Morning Prayer with the Oblates: Sunday August 22nd

We join Caroline in the Lake District, England for morning prayer this Sunday, August 22nd. We reflect on the words of today’s gospel, we see some disciples choosing to no longer follow Jesus, and we also see the choice of Peter and other disciples who choose to believe in Jesus. Simon Peter answered him, “Lord,...

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prayer august 21st

Morning Prayer with the Oblates: Saturday August 21st

Friends, good morning. We join Heidi Schofield in Trearddur Bay, Anglesey for our prayer today, Saturday August 21. “Anyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and anyone who humbles himself will be exalted.’” – Matthew 23:12 Today’s scripture gives pause for thought on our own approach to our faith, to be humble, and put what...

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prayer august 20th

Morning Prayer with the Oblates: Friday August 20th

Friends, good morning. We join Heidi Schofield in Trearddur Bay, Anglesey for our prayer today, Friday August 20. But who is my neighbour? “Jesus said, ‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second...

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Morning Prayer with the Oblates: Thursday August 19th

We join Gerard Bennett in his home in Ireland’s midlands. Gerard is part of the Oblate Lourdes Pilgrimage Leadership Team. This morning we take some time to think about how the Lord invites us continually to enter into a relationship with him. He never gives up on inviting us. Whether we accept that invitation is...

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prayer august 18th

Morning Prayer with the Oblates: Wednesday August 18th

Good morning friends. We join Gerard Bennett in his home in Ireland’s midlands. Gerard is part of the Oblate Lourdes Pilgrimage Leadership Team and is also a member of the Hospitalité of Our Lady of Lourdes who volunteer in Our Lady’s Shrine in France. Today’s gospel reminds us that Jesus says; “The last will be...

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