Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate


laurence o'toole

Morning Prayer Saturday November 14th

Pádraigín, parish pastoral worker for St Michael’s, welcomes us to her family home in Dublin for our prayer this morning on the feast day of St Laurence O’Toole, patron of the Archdiocese of Dublin and Glendalough. We pray for the same perseverance and kindness that St Laurence demonstrated through his own life. We hope you...

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By Edgar Jiménez from Porto, Portugal - Papa rock star, CC BY-SA 2.0


“Stretch forth your hand to the poor” (Sir 7:32) Pope Francis established the World Day in his Apostolic Letter, Misericordia et Misera, issued on 20 November 2016 to celebrate the end of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy. On 13 June this year, he issued a message for the observance themed: “Stretch forth your hand to the poor.” “Stretch forth your...

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november 13th

Morning Prayer November 13th

Mary O’Brien in Tallaght leads our prayer this morning. “To love is to live according to his commandments: this is the commandment which you have heard since the beginning, to live a life of love.” John 4:6 When we do that, we are bringing the love of God to one another. We hope you enjoy...

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november 12th

Morning Prayer: November 12th

We invite you to join Ros in Birkenhead, England for our morning prayer. In our reflection we pause to contemplate what the kingdom of Heaven is.  ‘The coming of the kingdom of God does not admit of observation and there will be no one to say, “Look here! Look there!” For, you must know, the...

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morning prayer november 11th

Morning Prayer Wednesday November 11th

We invite you to join Ros in Birkenhead, England for morning prayer. Today’s prayer reflects on the story of the ten lepers who were cured by Jesus, yet only one, a Samaritan, an outcast, turns back to give thanks. Make us aware every day of your overwhelming love for each one of us and help...

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november 10th

Morning Prayer Tuesday November 10th

We join Fr Liam Griffin OMI once more in Mary Immaculate Parish Church, Inchicore for our time of morning prayer together.  So too when you have done all you have been ordered to do; say we “We are worthless slaves. We have done only what we ought to have done.” – Luke 17:10 What was...

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november 9th lateran basilica

Morning Prayer Monday November 9th: Dedication of the Lateran Basilica

Morning Prayer: Monday November 9th Join Fr Liam in Inchicore, Dublin for this morning’s prayer together. On the feast day of the dedication of the Saint John Lateran Basilica, the mother and head of all churches in the city of Rome and the world, being the first to be constructed following the Roman emperor, Constantine,...

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Morning Prayer Sunday November 8th

Good morning! Join Gerard once more for our short reflection and prayer together. During this month of November, our departed loved ones may be at the forefronts of our minds even more than is usual. Today’s second reading offers those who are left behind much comfort and hope. We hope you enjoy this morning’s video....

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morning prayer november 7th

Morning prayer November 7th

Friends, please join Gerard this morning for our short prayer and reflection together.  “For I have learned to be content with whatever I have.  I know what it is to have little, and I know what it is to have plenty.  In any and in all circumstances, I have learned the secret of being well...

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Online: November Remembrance Service at 7pm

Dear friends, you are welcome to join us in the Sacred Heart Church, in the Oblate Parish of Kilburn or our November Remembrance Service live online this evening at 7pm. In November we remember. May the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace.   Click here to watch...

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