Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate


morning prayer november 6th

Morning Prayer: November 6th Feast of All Saint of Ireland

November 6th is the Feast of All the Saints of Ireland and we invite you to join Pádraigín in St Michael’s for our short morning reflection as we pray together and ask the intercession of these great saints, holy men and women of Ireland. Please enjoy this morning’s prayer. 

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mass for deceased Oblates 2020

Mass for Deceased Oblates: 7th November 2020

Join us at 11.00am This year, we remember the 15 Oblates who have died over the past 12 months. Sadly, due to Covid 19 we cannot hold the usual celebration of their lives with a public mass. Therefore, we invite you to join with the Oblate Community ONLINE at www.oblates.ie this Saturday morning, November 7th,...

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morning prayer november 5th

Morning Prayer: November 5th

Join Fr Eduardo in Darndale, Dublin for this morning’s prayer together. This morning we are reminded that God never abandons us. “Rejoice with me,” he would say “I have found my sheep that was lost.” In the same way, I tell you, there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one repentant sinner than over...

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morning prayer november 4th

Morning Prayer Wednesday November 4th

We would like you to invite you to join Sr Catherine Lavery HFB  (Holy Family Sisters of Bordeaux) from Kilburn London for this morning’s short reflection. Today, November 4th, is the feast of Saint Charles Borromeo. One of his famous quotes is “Begin every day with a new eagerness, preach by the way you live.”...

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november 3rd

Morning Prayer on Tuesday November 3rd

Good morning fire, please join Sr Catherine in Kilburn for this morning’s time of prayer together. Then Jesus said to him, “Someone gave a great dinner and invited many. At the time for the dinner he sent his slave to say to those who had been invited, ‘Come; for everything is ready now.’  But they...

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all souls november 2nd

Feast of All Souls: Morning Prayer November 2nd

Dear friends on the Feast of All Souls, please join with Mary Tyrell for our morning prayer. Mary is part of the Oblate Partners in Mission team. Today we especially think of and pray for all those who have died. Share with us in an excerpt of this morning’s first reading which offers much comfort...

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all saints november 1st

Morning Prayer Sunday November 1st: Feast of all Saints

Good morning everyone, please join Fr Michael this Sunday morning, the feast of All Saints for our morning prayer together. The Beatitudes were lived by the saints and they lifted up the downtrodden because of this. They knew that God revealed his presence in the mercy manifested in the compassion of Jesus. “Happy the merciful:...

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october 31st

Morning Prayer Saturday October 31st

Friends, please join Fr Michael in St Michael’s Inchicore for this morning’s time of prayer together. Today’s first reading gives us a deep understanding of Christ which comes from Paul’s heart. “Christ is proclaimed; and that makes me happy; and I shall continue being happy, because I know this will help to save me, thanks...

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november 2020

In November, we remember…

The month of November is the month where we remember in our thoughts and prayers all those who have gone before us, and in a particular way, those who have gone home to God since this time last year.  And while 2020 has seen many challenges and difficulties, it has been a particularly difficult time...

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Ireland News: Bilateral Meeting between the Taoiseach and Catholic Church Leaders

Bilateral Meeting between the Taoiseach and Catholic Church Leaders   The Taoiseach yesterday evening (28 October) met with leaders of the Catholic Church – Archbishop Eamon Martin, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, Archbishop Michael Neary, Archbishop Kieran O’Reilly SMA and Bishop Dermot Farrell. Discussion focused mainly on the effect which the current Covid-19 restrictions are having on...

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