Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate


Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer: August 3rd

Join Christine Hunt on the Isle of Anglesey for this morning’s prayer. Reflecting on today’s gospel, we hear how when Peter falters and begins to sink, he calls out to Jesus to save him. When we feel overwhelmed, Jesus holds out his hands to raise us up.

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Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer: Sunday August 2nd

August 2nd: Join Fr Johnson in Quex Road, Kilburn again this morning for our prayer together this Sunday. In today’s gospel we hear about how Jesus feeds the multitudes – he takes what little we have to offer and transforms it.  

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Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer: August 1st

Join Fr Johnson for our morning prayer – today is the birthday of the founder of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate, Saint Eugene de Mazenod. Eugene was born on this day, August 1st 1782.

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Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer: July 31st

Morning Prayer: July 31st Join Mary Ryan, a long-time parishioner of the Sacred Heart Church, Quex Road in Kilburn. Today is the feast of Saint Ignatius of Loyola and Mary reflects this morning on the wonderful gift to us that is the life and spirituality of this holy man. Saint Ignatius of Loyola, pray for...

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Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer: July 30th

This morning we join Fr Terry of Sacred Heart Church, Quex Road for our reflection for today. “Can I not do to you what this potter does with the clay? Yes, as the clay is in the hands of the potter, so you are in mine.”

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Obituary: Fr Eamon O’Reilly OMI

Fr Eamon O’Reilly was a missionary in South Africa for 48 years, from 1960 until he retired home to Ireland in 2008. He witnessed enormous social and political upheaval as Apartheid collapsed and the new Republic of South Africa was born. He saw in Soweto the beginnings of the Uprising that would ignite the country. He was right there,...

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Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer: July 29th

Join Fr Paul for our short morning prayer and reflection on Jesus’ words from today’s gospel reading. ‘I am the resurrection and the life. If anyone believes in me, even though he dies he will live, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?’

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Morning Prayer: July 28th

Dear friends, please join Fr Paul Horrock OMI for our short prayer – a reflection on the first reading from today’s mass from the prophet Jeremiah. #PrayTogether

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Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer: July 27th

Join Fr Lorcan again this morning for our short time of prayer together. We are praying with you and for your intentions.

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Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer: Sunday 26th July

Good morning friends, please join Fr Lorcan O’Reilly for a short time of prayer and reflection this Sunday. Lorcan is the director of the Oblate Retreat Centre in Crewe. https://www.orc-crewe.org

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