Morning Prayer for February 12th
Good morning, friends. We invite you to join Padraig Corcoran, from Dublin. The Gospel reading today is from the book of Matthew. Padraig reflects on the importance of loving God and loving ourselves. We are meant to be a people, a community, a faith of love. Let us wear our love on our sleeves, bringing...
Mass at the Grotto in Lourdes with the Oblate Pilgrimage
Friends, the Oblate Pilgrimage in Lourdes are privileged to be present at Our Lady’s Grotto and offer Holy Mass for all your intentions and for all those who are joining us online. On this feast day, we are overjoyed to be here in Lourdes. It is particularly significant for the Oblate Lourdes pilgrimage, as this...
Morning Prayer on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, February 11th
Dear friends, happy feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes to you all! We have completed our 9 days of prayer in honour of Our Lady and today we celebrate her feast day. We join Mary O’Brien of the Oblate Lourdes Pilgrimage Team for morning prayer in Sanctuary of Lourdes, and today Mary reflects on...
Morning Prayer from the Grotto in Lourdes, February 10th
Good morning and welcome to this our final day of our Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes on Friday February 10th. Today Gerard Bennett of the Oblate Lourdes Pilgrimage team welcomes you to the grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes. It is such a special place, and we hope you too feel very connected with...
Morning Prayer – Lourdes Novena – Day 8 February 9th
Good morning and today we once again go to Inchicore for prayer with Fr Martin Moran OMI who is the moderator of the Inchicore Pastoral Area. It is Day 8 of the Novena in honour of Our Lady of Lourdes and we invite you to continue to pray with us and also to send us...
Morning Prayer – Lourdes Novena – Day 7 February 8th
Good morning and today we once more go to Inchicore for prayer with Fr Dominik who is a member of the Inchicore Pastoral Area team. It is Day 7 of the Novena in honour of Our Lady of Lourdes and we invite you to continue to pray with us and also to send us your...
Lourdes Novena: Morning prayer
Good morning friends, we invite you to join Fr Paul Horrocks OMI at the Grotto in Inchicore for morning prayer. Fr Paul is a member of the Inchicore Pastoral Area team and worked as a Chaplain in Our Lady’s Sanctuary of Lourdes for 15 years. Fr Paul brings this morning’s prayer from the Grotto in...
Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for 31st World Day of the Sick
Dear brothers and sisters! Illness is part of our human condition. Yet, if illness is experienced in isolation and abandonment, unaccompanied by care and compassion, it can become inhumane. When we go on a journey with others, it is not unusual for someone to feel sick, to have to stop because of fatigue or of...
Morning Prayer for February 6th – Lourdes Novena: Day 5
Welcome to morning prayer, with Br Michael Moore OMI, in Wales. Today is also the fifth day of the Lourdes novena. Lourdes is a place of community and healing, and all those who go there – especially the sick – pray for healing of one sort or another. We all carry wounds from over the...
Morning Prayer for February 5th – Lourdes Novena: Day 4
Welcome to morning prayer, with Br Michael Moore OMI, in Wales. Today is also the fourth day of the Lourdes novena. In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus reminds and challenges us to be the light of the world. Light is one of the great symbols we experience in Lourdes. People light candles for their own –...