Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate


morning prayer december 27th st john

Morning Prayer December 27th, Feast of Saint John the Evangelist

Good morning friends. We invite you to join Br Barry Noel who is a member of the Presentation Brothers community, for our morning prayer today. If we try to understand Christmas outside the event of the resurrection, we shall remain in the dark! The resurrection of Jesus from the dead helps us to see more...

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morning prayer december 26th feast of st stephen

Morning Prayer December 26th, Feast of Saint Stephen

Good morning friends. We invite you to join Fr Marco Antonio Ortiz OMI who is based Oblate General House, Rome, for our morning prayer today. Perhaps we still have the melody of old little town of Bethlehem. We probably still have the images of our family conversing, the laughter, the joys, or perhaps even the...

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december 25th christmas nativity

Morning Prayer December 25th, Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord #Christmas

Good morning friends, and a very Happy Christmas to all from the Oblates. We invite you to join Gerard Bissett a member of the Oblate Mission with Youth for our morning prayer today. “God’s grace has been revealed and it has made salvation possible for the whole human race and taught us that we have...

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Morning Prayer with the Oblates, Christmas Eve

Welcome to Morning Prayer, with Fr Terry Murray, from Kilburn, London. On this Christmas Eve, Terry focuses today’s prayer on the second part of the Benedictus, which references John the Baptist. We are all called to make a way for the Lord. In the midst of all our busyness, may we find a moment of...

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Morning Prayer with the Oblates, December 23rd

Welcome to Morning Prayer, with Fr Terry Murray, from Kilburn, London. Today’s Gospel reading is from Luke and is about the birth of John the Baptist and the choosing of his name. John’s task in life was to prepare the way for the Lord, even to the extent of giving his life for the Him....

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Morning Prayer with the Oblates, December 22nd

Welcome to Morning Prayer, with Theresa Codd, from Birkenhead! Today’s Gospel reading is from Luke and is Mary’s Magnificat. It shows how grateful Mary was to God, for all that he had done both for her and for all mankind. Theresa explores Mary’s life in greater detail. Thank you for join us today!

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Superior General of the Oblates visits Ukraine

Superior General Visits Ukraine

Originally Published on OMIWORLD.ORG The Superior General of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, Fr. Luis Ignacio Rois Alonso, visited the Delegation of Ukraine from the 3rd to the 9th of December 2022. Accompanied by the Provincial of Poland, Fr. Paweł ZAJĄC, and the superior of the Ukraine Delegation, Fr. Vitaly Podolyana, he visited many Oblate communities...

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Morning Prayer with the Oblates, December 21st

Welcome to Morning Prayer, with Theresa Codd, from Birkenhead! Today’s Gospel reading is from Luke and recounts the time when Mary met Elizabeth, who was pregnant with John the Baptist. Theresa explains more about the occasion. Thank you for join us today!

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Join us in Lisbon for World Youth Day 2023

The next World Youth Day is fast approaching and we’d like you to join us for this amazing pilgrimage, to be with hundreds of thousands (possibly millions!) of other young Catholics and see the Pope. When? 31 July – 9 August. Who? This pilgrimage is for those aged between 18-35 years. How many? Just 25...

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Morning Prayer with the Oblates, December 20th

Good morning everyone, and welcome to Morning Prayer with the Oblate family! Today’s video comes to you from Martina Cooley of Kairos Community Trust. Today’s reading is from the Gospel of Luke. It is about the Annunciation, when the angel Gabriel came to Mary to tell her that she would bear a child – the...

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