Oblate News

Feast Day of Blessed Joseph Gérard – Apostle of Lesotho
Blessed Joseph Gérard – The Apostle of Lesotho Today, May 29th, is the last day of our Novena of prayer for an increase of vocations to the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. It is also an important day in the calendar of Oblate feasts; today we recall and remember one of our missionaries; Blessed Joseph...

Invititation to join us in prayer for vocations to the Oblate way of life
Vocations Novena 21st-29th of May 2021 – a time for the Oblate family to pray together in thanksgiving for vocations; past, present and future The annual Novena for Oblate Vocations is fast approaching! Each year at this time, the Oblate family throughout the world is praying that ‘the Lord of the harvest to send labourers to the...

De Mazenod House Retreat Centre hosts Online Charity Art Exhibiton
De Mazenod House Retreat Centre London is hosting an online Charity Art Exhibition showing the work of Chaher Rhomaei, a young artist from Syria who has being staying at DMH over the past year. All the funds received will be divided and go to support the creation of a children’s library in Syria and DMH....

Update on Pilgrimages Abroad (Joe Walsh Tours) situation
For many years Pilgrimages Abroad (JWT) have been the travel agent to Oblate Pilgrimage. It is with sincere regret that we learned that JWT has announced on April 27th that it is to cease trading due to the ongoing impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic. We understand that this is a difficult time for the directors...

Morning Prayer with the Oblates: Friday April 30th
We join Fr Frank Ryan OMI in Colwyn Bay, Wales for our morning prayer on Friday, April 30th. Tomorrow, May 1st, is the feast of St Joseph the Worker, and St Joseph is the patron of the Oblate parish in Colwyn Bay. Let’s listen to a special reflection about this great saint of the church....

Pope Francis’ Message for Vocations Sunday Sunday April 25th
This Sunday, 25 April, is Vocations Sunday where catholics reflect on the theme of vocations, and pray for our religious and for new vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Pope Francis has declared 2021 as the year of Saint Joseph, and in this message suggests to us three key words for each individual’s vocation....

Announcing the 2nd Oblate Lay Association Congress
The Oblate Central Government, in fulfilling a mandate from the 36th General Chapter, has organised a second Lay Association Congress. The first Congress was held in Aix-en-Provence 25 years ago. This Congress, to be called “Living as Oblate People”, is a Congress for all people associated with ordained Oblates and the Oblate Mission. It will...

Watch Back: International Conference – Let us Dream
Watch Back: Conference on “A politics rooted in the people” With a special video message from Pope Francis at approx 20 mins, this international, interfaith online event hosted by the Centre for Theology and Community is well worth a watch. A segment featuring the work of the faith communities in East London is available with...

Gospel Reflection for Holy Thursday
Jesus shows us how to serve and love each other This evening we celebrate Holy Thursday. We recall the final meal that Jesus had with his friends before his crucifixion. This is implied rather than explicitly mentioned; there is no actual breaking of bread and pouring of wine in John’s gospel. What we do have...